  • 學位論文


A Study on Work Values of the Rotary Cooperative Education Students in the Food and Beverage Management Department of Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究旨在探討高職餐飲管理科輪調式建教合作班學生工作價值觀之情形,並分析不同個人背景變項的高職餐飲管理科輪調班學生對工作價值觀的差異情形,提供給學校與事業單位輔導輪調班學生之參考依據,提高學生工作滿足,降低流失率,進而改善高職餐飲管理科輪調式建教合作教育品質。本研究主要採用問卷調查法,以97學年度在學之高職餐飲管理科輪調式建教合作班學生為母群體,共計發放1,200份問卷,有效問卷1,041份,有效回收率為86. 8%。研究工具為「高職餐飲管理科輪調式建教合作班學生工作價值觀調查問卷」,統計方法採用描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定。經資料處理分析後,獲致以下結論: 一、高職餐飲管理科輪調式建教合作班學生具有優良正向的工作價值觀取向。 二、餐飲管理科輪調班學生外顯工作價值觀顯著高於內隱工作價值觀領域。最重視從屬關係、工作環境及同事關係取向之外顯工作價值觀領域;最不重視管理性、美感及創造性取向之內隱工作價值觀領域。 三、餐飲管理科輪調班學生工作價值觀不會因家庭型態及家庭社經地位而有顯著差異,女性學生工作價值觀顯著高於男性學生。 四、三年級學生內隱工作價值觀顯著高於一年級學生,學業成績及實習成績80分以上的學生其工作價值觀顯著高於其他分數的學生。畢業後繼續升學或從事餐飲業的輪調班學生其整體及內隱工作價值觀顯著高於從事其他行業或尚未決定的學生。 五、每週實施至少一次或每二週至少一次教育訓練的輪調班學生在整體及内隱工作價值觀領域顯著高於無實施教育訓練的學生。不清楚自己崗位輪調情形的學生其工作價值觀低於輪調一次或沒有輪調過的學生。 最後,本研究依據結論,提出建議以供輪調班學生、學校、教育行政機關、企業及未來研究者之參考。


The purpose of the study was to explore the work values of students who study in rotary cooperative education in vocational high school, and analyze the differences among those with various personal backgrounds. The result can offer schools and employers to be references for counseling students in rotary cooperative education. Furthermore, it can enhance students’ satisfaction with their jobs, lower the rate of brain drain, and improve the quality of rotary cooperative education in education high school. The research adopted questionnaire. The population was the vocational high school students who were studying in rotary cooperative education in 2008; the total of 1,200 questionnaires was given out, 1,041 were the valid questionnaires. The recovery rate was 86.8%. The research tool was “The Questionnaire of the Work Values of Vocational High School in Rotary Cooperative Education”. The analysis methods were descriptive statistics, independent-samples t test and stepwise multiple regression. The findings were analyzed as follows: 1.The students of rotary cooperative education in vocational high school had a excellent as well as positive work values orientation. 2.The students of rotary cooperative education in vocational high school put much more emphasis on explicit work value territory, such as affiliation, working environment and the relationship among colleagues; and put less emphasis on implicit work value territory, such as governing classes, tact and creativity. 3.The work values of all students in Food and Beverage Management Department didn’t had difference from their family types and the family status in society and economics. The female students in rotary cooperative education were apparently higher than male students in territories of whole work values, explicit or implicit work values. 4.In the region of implicit work values, the third grade students in rotary cooperative education were obviously higher than the first grade students. The work values of students with more than 80 points in school performance and practical training scores were much higher than students with lower points. Students who chose to enter universities after graduation had apparently work values than those students. 5.Rotary cooperative education students of Food and Beverage Management Department who took education training once a week or twice a week had more outstanding whole values and implicit work values than those students who never had any practical training. Moreover, those students who had no clear ideas about their jobs had lower work values than those students who had one time practical training experience or students with no training experience. 6.Students with following conditions had more active work values orientation : higher family and economic status, more than 80 points in school performance, keeping studying after graduation or desiring to live on food and beverage career. Finally, according to the conclusion, the study made suggestions to students in rotary cooperative education, schools, education administration and companies for following research reference.




高淑錦(2016)。高職餐飲科輪調式建教生之學習態度與工作價值觀 對未來餐旅就業意願相關性之研究-以中部地區為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714031715
