  • 學位論文


Action Research on Yoga Teaching – for Elementary School Children

指導教授 : 容淑華


美國心理學家Howard Gardner所提出的多元智能理論,其在教學上的應用,是鼓勵教師以多元而創新的活動設計方式,去積極欣賞每位學童的長處和多元能力,透過多元的教學方法和評量管道,來落實個別差異與因材施教等教育理念。本研究旨在應用多元智能的教學策略與評量方法,設計哈達瑜伽融入「藝術與人文學習領域」的教學方案,採行動研究法,以新北市一班國小中年級的學童為研究對象,計畫共20週的教學方案,希望藉由瑜伽的教學方案發現學童的多元智能,並探究國小學童對於瑜伽教學方案的學習情形與接受程度。 研究結果與討論,獲得結論如下: 一、學生的多元智能發展有優勢和弱勢之別:以研究對象為例,則以人際智能及自然觀察智能為優勢智能,教師可針對學童的優勢智能設計相關課程,以符合智能發展的需求。 二、瑜伽能增進肢體-動覺智能和內省智能:瑜伽不但能增強肢體的柔軟度、伸展性、平衡感,還強調沈思和自省,學習瑜伽能增進肢體-動覺和內省智能。 三、學習瑜伽是認識自我的途徑:瑜伽能矯正姿勢,釋放壓力,穩定情緒,學童與家人一起運動,無形中也增進了親子間的感情,對於內在品格與身心健康的發展皆具有效益。 四、瑜伽、多元智能、藝術教育三者相輔相成:瑜伽和多元智能的核心精神與理念可以透過藝術的統整課程,以戲劇、音樂、舞蹈和美術等方式呈現。 根據上述研究結論,針對兒童瑜伽的教育推廣,提供以下建議: 一、學校硬體、軟體的配合:學校需提供適合的硬體設備與專業師資的支援,也建議教育主管機關提供兒童瑜伽相關課程,作為培訓瑜伽教師的增能研習。 二、透過瑜伽鍛鍊身體和提升心靈層次的自省,可增加自尊感,提升自信心,有助於減少同儕間霸凌的問題,建議學校在條件許可之下推廣兒童瑜伽。


瑜伽 多元智能 行動研究


American psychologist Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences in teaching is to encourage teachers to the diverse and innovative activities designed to actively appreciate the strengths and multiple intelligences of every child through multiple teaching methods and evaluation pipeline, to implement the educational philosophy of individual differences and individualized. The purpose of this study is to the application of multiple intelligences, teaching strategies and assessment methods, design hatha yoga into the teaching programs of the Arts and Humanities Learning Areas, adopted the Action Research, in New Taipei City, a group of elementary-grade children plans a total of 20 weeks of teaching programs, by yoga teaching programs found that students' multiple intelligences, and to explore the learning situation of elementary school students for yoga teaching programs and acceptability. The results and discussion of the study are as follows. Development of students' multiple intelligence strengths and weaknesses of the difference: to study the object, for example, while interpersonal intelligence and naturalist intelligence is superior intelligence, teachers can address students the advantages of intelligent design curriculum to meet the demand for intellectual development. Secondly, yoga can not only enhance the softness of the limbs, stretched malleable, balance, emphasis on meditation and self-reflection, learning yoga can enhance the bodily - kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligence. Thirdly, learning yoga is the way to self-awareness: yoga can correct posture, release stress, stabilize mood, students with his family movement, also subtly enhance the feelings between parents and the inherent character and physical and mental health development all have benefits. Fourthly, yoga, multiple intelligences, arts education, the three complement each other: the core spirit and rationale of the Yoga and Multiple Intelligences read through the integrated curriculum of art, showing in the way of drama, music, dance and painting. Based on the above findings, the promotion of education for children's yoga, the following recommendations: schools are required to provide the appropriate hardware and professional teacher support, and recommended that education authorities to provide children yoga courses as training yoga teachers in the study of empowerment. Secondly, through self-reflection of yoga exercise and to enhance spiritual level, to increase self-esteem, improve self-confidence, help reduce the problem of bullying among peers, it is recommended to promote children's yoga schools under the conditions permit.


yoga multiple intelligences action research




