  • 學位論文

作者與譯者之意識型態對等初探—以《A History of God》為例

A Preliminary Study of the Ideological Equivalence in Source Text and Target Text: A Case Study of "A History of God"

指導教授 : 李憲榮
共同指導教授 : 王崇堯(Chong-Yao Wang)


A History of God《神的歷史》是本富有特定宗教意識型態色彩的書。本論文主旨即在分析該書的意識型態。藉由作者的意識型態以及譯者的目的,檢視譯文是否在意識型態上與原文呈現對等的狀態。本論文以Vermeer的「目的論」為檢視譯文的依據,並先從確立譯者的翻譯目的,而後分析譯文詞彙及文句的意識展現是否符合原著宗教對話的精神。 本論文共分五章。第一章為序論,探討本論文之動機、研究目的以及研究方法。第二章為文獻探討;第三章則探討作者意識型態,包括原著作者的簡介、A History of God一書的介紹,以及分析原文意識型態,也就是宗教對話的呈現。第四章著重在譯文意識型態的探討。藉由譯者背景介紹,譯文的分析以及筆者與譯者的訪談,檢視譯文是否達到譯者的目的,並傳達出宗教對話的概念。第五章為結論。


A History of God deals with the ideology of interreligious dialogue. The purpose of this thesis is to study whether the ideology in source text is translated in equivalence by examining the ideology of source book and the purpose of translator. The study uses the “skopos theory” of Vermeer to examine the Chinese translation. It first examines the purpose of translator and later analyzes the ideology manifested in the words and phrases in target text to verify whether target text reflects the idea of interreligious dialogue in the original text. This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One is the introduction that includes the motivation, the purpose, and the methodology of this research. Chapter Two is the literature review. Chapter Three focuses on the ideology of the author, including the brief introduction of the author, the source book, and the analysis of ideology of the source text. Chapter Four focuses on the ideology of the translator. Through the introduction of translator’s background, the analysis of target text and personal interview with translator, it shows whether the target text reaches the purpose of translator and further conveys the idea of interreligious dialogue. The final chapter is the conclusion.


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