  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Guidance Effectiveness and Willingness in Clinical Nursing Preceptors to New Staff

指導教授 : 陳彩鳳
共同指導教授 : 陳建安


本研究目的在瞭解護理臨床教師對新進護理人員輔導意願與知覺輔導效能之現況,並探討護理臨床教師基本屬性與輔導效能及輔導意願相關情形,以及護理護理臨床教師對輔導效能的知覺與從事輔導意願之相關因素。以南部地區通過教學醫院評鑑之四家醫院,內科、外科、婦產科、兒科、急診及加護等病房,曾被分派擔任護理臨床教師者為研究對象,採結構式問卷,計發出230份問卷,回收230份,扣除不完整問卷,有效問卷221份。研究工具包括臨床教師個人基本屬性、「輔導效能知覺量表」、「輔導意願量表」,以SPSS18.0 統計軟體進行描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關係數檢驗、迴歸分析等方法作資料處理。研究結果,臚列如下:有一半以上護理臨床教師對輔導新進護理人員輔導意願強;護理臨床教師之輔導效能知覺:以覺得「護理臨床教師可以與新進人員共同分享工作中及工作以外的經驗」得分最高;個人屬性中以臨床進階層級、擔任臨床教師年資及是否接受臨床教師訓練對輔導意願之影響最具顯著性;個人屬性中以臨床服務科別、護理專業能力進階層級對知覺輔導效能影響最具有顯著性;臨床教師輔導效能知覺與輔導意願呈顯著正相關;護理臨床教師之整體輔導效能知覺可以做為預測輔導意願之預測因子,其中以「組織支持認知」最具預測力 整體而言,護理臨床教師輔導效知覺對輔導意願的正向關係十分顯著,透過此研究結果建議護理界在臨床實施護理臨床教師制度時,可針對『組織支持認知』加以強化,使護理臨床教師願意投身於輔導工作,同步提升輔導的效果。


The purpose of this study is to understand the guidance willingness and guidance effectiveness status of clinical nursing preceptors toward newly employed nursing staff. This study is not only going to explore the correlation of basic properties, guidance effectiveness and guidance willingness of clinical nursing preceptors, but also factors of clinical nursing preceptors in counseling and the willingness to engage the guidance effectiveness and guidance willingness of clinical nursing preceptors. Research objects of this study are clinical nursing preceptors who have been assigned to wards of Departments of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Emergency, and Intensive Care Units in four southern regional teaching hospitals which have gone though accreditation. It used constructive questionnaires of which 230 overall samples were returned and the response rate was 100%. Of these, 221 or 97% returned were found to be reliable and valid at a satisfactory level. Research tools include personal basic properties of clinical nursing preceptors, “charts of guidance effectiveness perceptions” and “charts of guidance willingness”. SPSS 18.0 statistical software was also used to analyze statistical data and results interpretation in the descriptions of statistical analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and regression. analysis According to the SPSS analysis results, the findings of this study were described as follows. First, more than half of clinical nursing preceptors have a strong willingness to counsel newly employed nursing staff. Second, clinical nursing preceptors’ guidance Effectiveness perceptions which worked the best were sharing experiences both at work and outside of working experience with newly employed nursing staff. Third, clinical ladder level, years as clinical nursing preceptors, and accepting the training of clinical preceptors have the most significant meaning of personal properties. Fourth, the most positive reaction between the personal properties is the effect of Clinical medical service and perceived ladder nursing competency. Fifth, there is a positive correlation between clinical nursing preceptors’ guidance effectiveness perceptions and guidance willingness. Sixth, it is predictable that the clinical nursing preceptors’ overall guidance effectiveness perceptions can be used as factors to predict guidance willingness, especially the “recognition of organization support”.


汪慧玲、沈佳生(2008).幼兒實習教師任教意願之研究.幼兒保育學刊,6, 63-75。


