  • 學位論文


License Leasing - An study on the relation of production of truck industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝國雄


生產工具在資本主義發展史中扮演什麼角色?勞資範疇會是固定不變的嗎?變動的所有權與生產關係會將造成什麼效應?靠行作為長期普遍存在台灣汽車運輸業的特殊現象,直接挑戰了過去對於過資本主義秩序「資本家掌握生產工具、勞工成為完全勞動力」的描述。對資本主義秩序來說,靠行現象的存在是一個謎團。本文的目的即以台灣汽車貨運業「靠行」現象談起,幫助我們對生產工具、勞資範疇等基本概念有更多理解。 汽車貨運業擁有兩樣特質:生產工具兩面性、尚未分化的勞資範疇。本文首先進行歷史考察,點出生產工具兩面性的要素,發現靠行要素早戰後初期就已出現,但在1960年代才得到確立。本文並考察勞動現場,分析生產工具兩面性的特質對行動者的實踐與主觀意義帶的效果,指出孰「勞」孰「資」,不僅是權力鬥爭的結果,也是權力鬥爭的工具。 至於現今台灣汽車貨運業的勞資範疇為什麼尚未徹底分化?生產工具所有權為什麼又如此模糊?本文指出,國家介入打造生產關係,卻又留下法規曖昧,就是問題的答案。法規曖昧使得所有權與勞資範疇始終居於變動的過程,更拉出各方行動者得以介入所有權與生產關係的戰場。 本文將生產工具當做主要研究對象,在這裡,歷史、法律、田野得以交會,研究甚至可以突破時間限制,嘗試在以剩餘價值為焦點的資本主義研究外,提供一個新的線索。


What role does means of production play in the history of capitalism? Is the relation between capital and labor static? In other words, what does it imply to the relation between capital and labor when the ownership of means of production appears to be vague? “License leasing” - a long existed phenomenon in the truck industry in Taiwan - can be regarded as a counterexample to the common statement that, in capitalism, the capitalist possesses means of production while the labor possesses nothing but themselves. Therefore, in this sense, license leasing appears to be a paradox for the logic of capitalism. This study, through investigation over such phenomenon in truck industry in Taiwan, aims at attaining a better understanding of concepts such as mean of production and relation between capital and labor. There exists two distinctive features that make truck industry unique and inspiring: firstly, the ownership and rights of disposition of the very mean of production - namely the trucks - are vague; secondly, its relation of capital and labor is rather immature. Through investigation over the history of truck industry in Taiwan, this study finds the vagueness that is mentioned above, moreover, it is found that the causal factors of license leasing could be traced back to the early post-war period, but was firmly founded only after the 1960s. This study also conducts field research on working sites, depicting how such phenomenon is manifested in the practices and worldview of the actors. This study concludes that such vagueness of the role of mean of production in this industry is not only the outcome of power struggle, but a mean of power struggle as well. This study further attributes to the role of the state as the main cause of the phenomenon discussed above. The state was responsible to the shaping of the whole truck industry, nevertheless, the regulations and laws posed upon the mean of production were vague all along, there exists a room for all actors to compete, resulting in dynamic, ever-changing definition and disposition of the mean of production. This study, in contrast to most Marxist studies that centers around the issue of surplus value, focuses on mean of production, trying to shed new lights on Marxist paradigm.


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