  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Make or Buy Decision Framework on Optical Communication Products

指導教授 : 林則孟


全球光通訊產業在2000年底暴發「電信市場泡沫化」,使得全球光通訊產業進入長期的蕭條。台灣整體光通訊產業的發展也遭受嚴重影響,在經歷4~5年的低迷、整合、淘汰、合併的變化後,終於在電信業者理性的投資、用戶端穩定成長及對頻寬需求的增加帶動下,全球光通市場步上了穩定成長的軌道。所以企業想在這一波強勁復甦的時機中脫穎而出,如何規劃與設計好供應鏈、如何掌握好自製或外包的時間決策點,以及如何做好委外管理等工作,應為台灣企業極為關鍵重要的課題。 本論文就以台灣光通訊產業中最具競爭力的主動零組件產業為研究對象,研究的目的是想藉由自製或外包決策模式相關文獻、書籍與供應鏈設計為理論基礎,探討光通訊產品自製或外包決策之關鍵因素,至於分析主要架構則選擇了參考Eric Sislian & Ahmet Satir (2000)的策略性自製或外包決策流程,最後再結合委外管理程序,制定出光通訊產品策略性自製或外包決策分析架構,研究實證結果發現: (1) 光通訊產品自製或外包決策之關鍵因素,應包含策略層面與戰術層面兩個構面 進行分析。策略層面需考量「經營策略」、「供應鏈風險」與「經濟因素」等三個主要決策因子,戰術層面需考量「製程能力」、「製程的穩定性」和「外包策略風險」等三個次要決策因子。 (2) 光通訊產品自製或外包決策架構裡,應納入委外管理程序,其包含「採購策略」與「供應商評估」等管理活動,如此使得光通訊產品自製或外包決策過程中,不單僅考量自製或外包決策層面的問題,更兼具採購與供應商管理之功能,以提升該決策分析模式對公司的真實性與價值。亦可提供相關或有興趣之業界及學術界作為參考。 關鍵字:光通訊、自製或外包、委外管理、採購策略、供應商評估


The global optical communications industry in 2000 outbreak at the end of "telecommunications market bubble", which make the global optical communications industry into a long period of depression. Taiwan development of optical communications industry as a whole has also been seriously affected, after 4~5 years of downturn, after the consolidation, elimination, merge changes, finally are rational investment in the telecom industry, client growth and demand for bandwidth increases along with the world optical communication market moves into a stable growth track. Enterprises in the wave of a strong recovery in time to stand out, How to plan and design a good supply chain, how having the right to make or buy decision points, as well as how to manage outsourcing work, Taiwan business topics of critical importance. This papers on to Taiwan optical communications industry in the most with competitiveness of active component industry for research object, research of purpose is wanted to through make or buy decision-making mode related literature, and books and supply chain design for theory based, discussion optical communications products make or buy decision-making of key factors, as analysis main schema is select has reference Eric Sislian & Ahmet Satir (2000) of strategic sexual make or buy decision-making process finally combined with outsourcing management program to develop optical communications products are strategic make or buy decision analysis framework , Empirical results show: (1) Optical Communication Products make or buy decisions critical factors that should contain a strategic level and tactical level two dimensions for analysis. Strategic level you need to consider "business strategy", "supply chain risk" and "economic factors" in three main decision-making factors you need to consider the tactical level "process capability", "process stability" and "outsourcing strategies risk" three secondary decision factors. (2) Optical Communication Products make or buy decision-making structure, the management procedures should be included in outsourcing, which includes "procurement strategy" and "supplier evaluation" management activities, so making optical communication products make or buy decision-making process, not only consider the make or buy decision-making level of the problem, but both the purchasing and supplier management functions, decision analysis model to enhance the authenticity and value of the company. Also provide related or are interested in industry and academia as a reference. Keywords : optical communications, make or buy, outsourcing management, procurement strategy, supplier evaluation


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