  • 學位論文

扭曲的學生,變調的勞工:檢視台灣美髮建教合作制度, 1953-2013。

Twisted Students, Deformed Labors: Scrutinizing the Cooperative Education of Hair Beauty Industry in Taiwan, 1953-2013.

指導教授 : 謝國雄


建教合作,本作為一種教育制度,目的在於連接職場與教育間的鴻溝,讓學生至企業中實習,進而達到學以致用的目的。然而,建教合作施行過程中,卻產生本意與執行上的斷層。儘管如此,卻無法解釋為什麼此存在落差的制度,在少子化與學校招生困難的情況下,仍有學生願意投入其中。 本研究企圖探究存在落差的建教合作制度能持續運作之原因。藉由剖析此一制度的運作邏輯,釐清存在落差的制度能夠存續的源由,而促使其合理化運作及再生產的基礎又是什麼? 本研究以制度沿革、立法過程、報章雜誌、現場觀察與對十七名建教生的深度訪談作為研究方法與資料來源,嘗試解析建教合作從制度到現場的實際運作。 對於此問題,我提出兩個答案作為解釋,一是實習本身合理化建教合作的正當性,使制度因而被鞏固,勞動力價值得以被偷渡;一是立基於建教生的生命經驗,他們的「視界」對於建教合作的另一種理解讓他們選擇投入,從而使建教合作的再生產得以可能。前者說明投入的學生為什麼沒有因制度的落差而將建教合作導向瓦解的命運,後者則說明建教合作制度何以能夠綿延不絕。


建教合作 勞動體制 階層


Cooperative Education in Taiwan, as a national institution of education, is originally set to fill the gap between knowledge and practice. By letting students participate in actual practices of working environments, the students can transform their training into real use. However, in the development of this institution, we found some gaps between the original intention of this institution and the actual implements. Still, even with those obvious gaps, the fact that Taiwan is now a low fertility society and the total number of new freshmen is heavily declining,we can’t explain why there is so many students are still enrolling in this institution every year. The main purpose of this thesis is trying to figure out the puzzling situation of this institution. How, and why it is still working? What’s the internal functioning logic? What’s the reasoning process of the unreasonable status quo? What’s the foundation of the ongoing reproduction of this institution? By scrutinizing the history of the institution, the legislative process, news and journal articles, observational participation and in-depth interviews with 17 students. This study tried to analyze the institutional design, the actual functioning process and the real implementation of the student’s working scenarios. The conclusion of this study gave two possible answers. First, the requiredinternship itself re-justified the institution, the exploitation were smuggled by it. This explains why students are still going inand why it is still working.Second, based on the life experiences of these students, and through their eyes in seeing the cooperative education as different opportunities, the reproduction of the institution thus possible.


Anthony Giddens著、李康、李猛譯,2002,《社會的構成》。台北:左岸。(Anthony Giddens, 1984, The constitution of society : outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge: Polity Press.)
James Scott著、程立顯、劉建等譯,2001,《農民的道義經濟學:東南亞的反叛與生存》。南京:譯林。(James Scott, 1976, The Moral Economy of the Peasant. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.)


焦佳弘(2014)。從「背包客」到「台勞」: 澳洲打工度假的勞動經驗〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.01123
