  • 學位論文


A research of Start-up behavior of former employees in CSIST —A Case Study Approach

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


摘要 高科技產業目前為國家積極發展的重點。在科技產業發展過程中,技術扮演著至為關鍵的角色。從我國技術發展的軌跡來看,可以分為三個主要階段,早期的技術引進,經過技術的擴散,進而建立自主性的技術。在技術擴散的階段,個人式離職創業的影響至為深遠。這群創業科技公司適時的彌補引進的單一技術之間的缺口,對技術的建立以及發展提供了創新與突破。 但高科技創業與傳統產業的創業在內涵上有著極大的差異,最明顯的就是其高報酬伴隨著高風險,使得科技創型業讓有心創業者望而卻步。為有效提高科技創業的成功機率,本研究擬高科技創業獨立於一般的創業研究,並以創業之歷程(即創業之型態)作為研究的主軸,以釐清高科技創業有哪些特質及影響創業成敗的關鍵因素。 本研究結果發現有下列數點: (一) 創業型態差異主要來自三方面:創業者特質、創業團隊特質及新創企業特質。 (二) 育成組織對創業類型的影響主要透過對創業者的影響來達成。 (三) 中科院離職創業與公延源離職創業差異的主要源於市場對技術的需求、技術本身商品化的價值、以及創業資源搜尋的難易程度等。 而由這些研究歸納之結果據以提出下列假說: (一) 創業者特性質影響創業團隊組成 (二) 創業類型會因為創業團隊部門的分工的不同產生差異 (三) 創業類型會因為創業團隊衍生出不同創業核心技術而產生差異


Abstract During past few years, Taiwan's industrial development has focused on hi-tech. Studies briefly divided it into three periods: technology transferring, technology diffusion, and technology matured & localized. During the second and third periods, the start-ups played an important role. Many companies started with innovation and cross-fields technology. And through technology maturation and localization, the start-ups with matured and localized technologies made technologies more practical, and completed the value chain of hi-tech industry. Owning to the basic differences between hi-tech start-ups and traditional ones, including capital input, degrees of competition, hi-reward going with hi-risk, ETC, researches of hi-tech start-up process independent from normal ones are necessary. Finding factors influence hi-tech start-up processes (defined as the types of hi-tech start-up in this research) would be the main purpose of this research. The conclusions are shown as below: 1. Factors influence the types of hi-tech start-ups can be defined into three categories: characters of start-up owners, characters of the teams of start-ups, and the ways the start-ups operate. 2. Incubators will affect characters of start-up owners which they worked before they start new companies. 3. Factors caused the types of hi-tech start-ups from different incubators vary can be defined as below: the demand for the technologies owned by the incubator, whether the technologies are worthwhile commercializing, and how the resources for the start-up can be found. According to the conclusions, the hypothesis comes from this research are below: 1. Characters of start-up owners will affect the forms of the start-up teams. 2. Characters of start-up teams will affect the types of the start-ups. 3. The types of the start-ups will differ owning to the core technologies created by the start-up teams.


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