  • 學位論文


On the Study of Functional Aspects of an e-Procurement System for High-Tech IC Industry

指導教授 : 宮大川


傳統性的採購方式經使用單位以人工預算審核後填寫請購單、等待核准、採購人員依靠電話、傳真等流程往返後產生採購訂單,既無效率且浪費人力及時間。隨著電子商務(E-Business)應用範圍的增加,企業內部的採購功能從支援性角色提昇為企業間競爭的主要因素之一。根據亞伯丁集團(Aberdeen Group)研究報告指出,企業透過網路採購可節省70%以上的成本與時間,以電子商務架構下的電子化採購系統,進行企業採購工作,比傳統的電話、傳真方式節省成本與時間[1]。 電子化採購 (e-Procurement) 以電子化方式結合企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)整合企業與供應商間流程,除了能提高效率之外,也能確保交易的正確性,將需求/供給等資訊透過網際網路(Internet)即時地更新,幫助企業降低採購處理成本及時間,供應商也能在最快的時間內取得資訊並隨時地回覆。透過電子採購的建立,提供企業與供應商間更安全、更方便的交易平台訊息交換的管道。 由於目前IC產業正值景氣衰退,企業採購成本的降低為企業主要的營運策略方向之一。且因電子化採購在企業界導入的案例較少,外國廠商如HP、IBM、GE等全球知名大廠外,國內導入較具體的企業有台塑企業,因此有關電子化採購應用與規範的資料有限。為此,本研究透過相關文獻探討及蒐集彙整國內、外企業導入之電子化採購實例,整理歸納出企業導入電子化採購應有之採購作業功能基礎架構,包含有:請購作業、採購作業、收貨作業、付款作業等四項,並進一步以IC製造業(此處界定為foundry or IDM廠)的電子化採購系統架構功能為探討的核心及範圍,對應相關半導體廠商的內部採購管理作業系統,在電子化的環境下,配合企業資源規劃的作業,建置IC產業導入電子化採購的基礎架構,作為提供國內IC製造業或其他產業內部採購作業管理者或使用者於導入或計劃導入企業電子化採購系統時之參考與應用。


The conventional way of procurement tends to be very inefficient and wastes lots of manpower and time. Often a department that requests an item must, after manually examining its budget, fill up a purchasing order at first. Then it waits for an approval from the authority through a lengthy and tedious process of numerous phones and fax communications. To be in line with the expanding of e-Business functions in many fields, the internal procurement, which in the past played only as a supporting role is now becoming a very important factor in business competition. According to the research report from Aberdeen Group, it is apparent that by means of the network procurement, an enterprise could save more than 70 percent of the budget and time. Also, by applying an e-Procurement system under an e-Business framework it could cut more costs and time than a conventional way. If incorporated with Enterprise Resource Planning electronically, e-Procurement can allow integration between an enterprise and its suppliers. As a result of this process, an enterprise can (1) increase its efficiency, (2) reassure the accuracy of a bargain, (3) update the demand/supply message from Internet immediately, and (4) lower the costs and time. It will enable the suppliers to receive messages in a very short period of time and reply rapidly. Once an e-Procurement has been set up, an enterprise and its suppliers can communicate with one another in a far more safe and convenient channel. Since Integrated Circuit (IC) industry is now in a downward trend, reducing the procurement costs becomes a critical operational policy. However, because e-Procurement has not been adopted widely by may enterprises in Taiwan except few well-known international and domestic companies such as HP, IBM, GE, and Formosa Plastic Group, the information related to the application and regulations of e-Procurement are quite limited. For this purpose, this study, through the discussion of the literatures relevant to the subject and the compilation of the e-Procurement examples taken from enterprises at home and abroad, has drawn the framework of procurement operations for the enterprise to introduce e-Procurement. All the operations include application operation, procurement operation, arrival operation, and payment operation. And the discussion is centered on the e-Procurement function of IC manufacturers (here defined as the foundry or IDM). It aims at setting up the framework of IC Industries to introduce the e-Procurement system after consulting the internal procurement management system of related semi-conductor manufacturers in line with the ERP operation. It is hoped that these will be of some reference and application to those in charge of the internal procurement operation of domestic IC manufacturers or other industries to introduce the e-Procurement system.


[4] 張瑞芬,電子商務-管理與技術,華泰文化事業股份有限公司,2000
[8] 黃廷合,「論電子商務的發展與推廣」,商業職業教育,8月號,2000,頁45-51
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莊棨椉(2002)。新舊電子採購系統之整合工程與效益評估--- 家電製造業案例分析與建置〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200200513
