  • 學位論文

國營事業推動員工協助方案實施成效之探討 -台灣電力公司同心園地之個案研究

A Study on the Effectiveness of Employee Assistance Programs in National Corporations - the Case of Heart to Heart Program in Taiwan Power Company

指導教授 : 吳美連


論文摘要 現代的企業面臨的是多元化的競爭,全球化及快速多變的挑戰,企業是否能因應挑戰,克服危機甚至創造利基,關鍵就在於是否有具備優秀人才。台電公司是一個經濟部管轄下的國營事業,從業員工人數龐大,近十數年來員工問題時有所聞,因此台灣電力公司於民國77年開始以同心園地為名推動員工協助案,輔導員工情緒、消弭勞資糾紛。本研究之動機即在研究,已在台灣電力公司推動16年之EAP實施成效及影響成效的因素,以供各國營企業參考。 本研究以個案分析的方式,進行結構性訪談,以國營事業機構台灣電力公司為研究對象,主要研究目的為: 一、描述台電員工協助方案之諮商輔導制度(同心園地)的緣起及實施狀況。 二、評估台電員工協助方案的實施成效。 三、探討影響台電員工協助方案實施成效的因素。 四、提供研究結果供其他國營事業及業界推動員工協助方案之參考。 根據研究觀念架構進行深度訪談及資料分析後,本研究對個案公司所推動之EAPs獲得以下結論:台電公司EAPs實施模式係採用整合模式,頗為符合台電公司的需求,方案中涵蓋:「工作」、「生活」與「健康」三大層面因此實施內容完整,流程中包括個案確認、諮商、輔導、轉介、治療等步驟,實施流程明確而嚴謹。本研究亦認為台電公司EAPs-同心園地,從輔導案件之增加及品質提升,園丁人數之成長,服務內容之多樣化,許多成功的輔導案例,政府機關及社會的肯定和激勵,員工的滿意度等,無論從主觀及客觀之立場,或從品質及效益的觀點,其實施成效值得肯定,而影響台電員工協助方案實施成效的因素中以EAPs實施模式、單位主管支持程度與園丁特質最為關鍵。 根據研究結果,本論文再發展三個命題: 命題一、EAPs實施的模式會依據組織規模及資源運作而不同,但整合模式因整合組織內外之資源,其實施成效應較顯著優於其他模式。 命題二、EAPs的推動與落實反應該組織的企業文化與經營理念,因此主管支持程度愈高其實施成效應會愈佳。 命題三、EAPs的執行成效,因園丁與受輔導員工進行第一線的接觸而扮演著關鍵性的角色,因此輔導員(園丁)的個人因素,例如:對輔導角色的認知、投入程度、諮商輔導的專業能力、或其人格特質等對EAPs的執行成效會有影響。


Abstract Today, organizations are facing with many challenges including global competition, organizational turbulence, workforce diversity, and the high standards of ethics and social responsibility. Taiwan Power Company (TPC) is a public enterprise with employees over 20000 people. In order to better manage the human resources and assisting employees to main healthy conditions both physically and psychologically, TPC has implemented a special employee assistance program (EAP), namely, Heart to Heart program, since 1988. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of TPC’s EAP program. Specifically, this study attempts to achieve the following four objectives: X reviewing the origin and the current status of EAPs implementation in TPC, X evaluating the effectiveness of EAPs in TPC in terms of subjective and objective criteria, X investigating the key factors that affect the effectiveness of EAPs, and X providing suggestions based on results of the study to TPC. This research is a case study in nature. We used in-depth interview and questionnaire survey to collect data from employees about their knowledge and evaluation of the program. We found that the Heart to Heart program applied the integrated model of EAPs, in which the basic services were provided in-house and the referral system connected needed employees with the external expertise. The process of the program flowed from case identification, consultant intervention, counseling provision, referrals, to treatments. We concluded that the math of the EAP model and the organization’s mission and resources, the support from the managerial levels, and the personal characteristics of volunteer counselors were the major factors affecting the effectiveness of EAPs. According to the findings of this research, we further developed following propositions: 1. The effectiveness of integrated model of EAPs should be superior to the other models such internal model or external model, due to its combining use of internal and external resources. 2. The higher support from the managerial level should lead to more effective EAPs. 3. The personal characteristics of volunteered counselors, e.g. the perception of counseling role, degree of involvement, ability of counseling, and personality traits, would be related to the effectiveness of the EAPs.


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