  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Self-Criticism, Self Compassion, Rumination Response Style, and Depression.

指導教授 : 譚偉象


研究背景與目的:自我批評的負向想法是憂鬱病理中被重視的危險因子,Gilbert等人(2004)提出自我批評是一種面對失敗時,自己應用內在人際基模對待自己的方式,它有形式的差異,其一為厭惡自我形式的自我批評,其二為不足自我形式的自我批評,第一種自我批評來自於把失敗的自己當作敵人、惹人厭惡的,而用打擊、摧毀地方式來批評自己,第二種自我批評來自於希望藉由上下的主導和服從地位,用斥責的方式下令失敗的自己改善不足的地方。除了自我批評的負向想法外,學者發現部分憂鬱個體在憂鬱情緒發生時,會使用苦惱自責式的反芻因應情緒,這使得個體難以由憂鬱情緒中脫離,而使自己陷在該情緒中,反芻被部分的學者視為一憂鬱的近端因子。Neff(2003a)提出自我疼惜的概念,共有「自我友善」、「普遍人性」、「正念」三個主要的成分,學者認為此概念有助於個體減低憂鬱的威脅。過去雖有許多研究在探索自我批評、反芻與憂鬱的關聯,但在本地尚未有將自我批評分類進行探究的研究,亦無自我疼惜的研究,故本研究試圖探討這些概念與憂鬱的關聯性,期待能對個體憂鬱的問題有個深入的了解。 研究方法:本研究包含兩個子研究,研究一以202名大學生和研究生為樣本,檢驗本研究中文化的自我批評與自我安慰形式量表的量表結構和心理計量特性;研究二以214名年齡為18至40歲的成人為樣本,進行自我批評、自我疼惜和苦惱自責式反芻與憂鬱的關聯性研究,研究工具為「自我批評與自我安慰形式量表」、「自我疼惜量表」、「中文反應風格量表修訂短版」、「流行病學中心憂鬱症狀量表」四份自陳式量表。 研究結果:(1)中文化自我批評與自我安慰形式量表的各分量表內部一致性信度和再測信度為皆大於0.6,量表結構與原量表相同可萃取3個因子,故此中文化量表為一合適的測量工具(2)厭惡自我形式的自我批評、苦惱自責式反芻程度越高,憂鬱程度越高;自我疼惜越高,憂鬱程度越低,(3)厭惡自我形式的自我批評越高,苦惱自責式反芻越高;自我疼惜越高,苦惱自責式反芻越低,(4)厭惡自我形式的自我批評、不足自我形式的自我批評、苦惱自責式反芻可同時預測憂鬱程度,其迴歸公式為,憂鬱=.388×厭惡自我形式的自我批評+.320×不足自我形式的自我批評+.138×苦惱自責式反芻;自我疼惜、苦惱自責式反芻可同時預測憂鬱程度,其迴歸公式為,憂鬱=-.558×自我疼惜+.192×苦惱自責式反芻(5)苦惱自責式反芻為是厭惡自我形式的自我批評和憂鬱的部分中介變項;苦惱自責式反芻是自我疼惜和憂鬱的部分中介變項。


Introduction and purpose: Self-criticism has been considered as one of the vulnerability factors of depression. Gilbert et al. (2004) proposed that there were two forms of self-criticism. One form was the inadequate self which focused on mistakes and sense of inadequacy, and the other was the hated self which wanted to hurt the self and felt self-hate. Rumination was also considered as another vulnerability factor of depression. Spasojevic & Alloy (2001) contended that rumination was a potential common mechanism linking risk factors with depression. Self compassion had three main components: self-kindness, sense of common humanity, and mindfulness. Neff (2003a) argued that self-compassion could promote one’s positive psychology, and protect an individual from depression. However, no studies to date have examined the effects of different forms of self-criticism and self compassion on rumination and depression in Taiwan. In order to examine the possible links among self-criticism, self-compassion, rumination, and depression, the present study examined the mediation effect of brooding on the relationship between the hated self of self-criticism and depression, and the mediation effect of brooding on the relationship between self-compassion and depression. Method: Study 1 examined the psychometric properties of the Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale-Chinese Version with a sample of 202 undergraduate students. In Study 2 , 214 adults who were 18-40 years old were administered the Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale, long version of the Self-Compassion Scale, Response Style Questionnaire-Short Form-Revised, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Result: The results indicated that: (1) the Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale-Chinese Version had good psychometric properties; (2) the hated self of self-criticism and depression had positive correlation; (3) self compassion and depression had negative correlation; (4) brooding and depression had positive correlation; (5) the hated self of self-criticism and brooding had positive correlation; (6) self compassion and brooding had negative correlation; and (7) the indirect effects of the mediation model were significant.


depression brooding self compassion Self-criticism


Abela, J. R. Z., Webb, C. A., Wagner, C., Ho, M. R., & Adams, P. (2006). The role of self criticism, dependency, and hassles in the course of depressive illness: A multiwave longitudinal study. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 328–338. doi: 10.1177/0146167205280911


