  • 學位論文

校園參與式設計與美感教育之探討 以新竹縣新埔鎮枋寮國民小學校園空間規劃之行動歷程為例

An Investigation on Participatory Planning Process and Aesthetics Education for Campus Design : The Planning Process of Fang-Liao Elementary School, XinPu Township, Hsinchu County as the example.

指導教授 : 謝統勝


本研究旨在探討參與式設計與教育部美感教育中長程計畫在校園執行之實際狀況;以新竹縣新埔鎮枋寮國民小學2016年9月至2017年3月的校園美感計畫為作者行動研究對象,研究參與式設計與美感教育在國小校園空間規劃之脈絡關係,從中了解行動歷程的參與式行動如何運作,以及校園參與式設計與美感教育之教育效益、行政制度、權力結構等限制因素,提出後續的歸納及反思。 本研究以質性研究的參與觀察法,作者與主持該計畫之委外規劃團隊合作方式,實際的參與行動記錄枋寮國小參與式設計工作坊課程內容,紀錄過程中各參與對象互動之情形所產生之現象為論述。首先以相關文獻探討以建立初步理論背景,成為作者在實際進行之行動歷程之論述基礎。而在行動歷程紀錄完成後,作者以歸納教育部美感教育計畫之相關公文、專書、計畫申請書、審查簡報,以及規劃團隊於該計畫之施工圖面、簡報資料、訪談、影像紀錄等資訊,作為輔助釐清本次行動歷程紀錄之關鍵問題,並提出研究結論及後續研究方向。 經實證研究後獲得以下結論: 一、 校園參與式設計與美感教育之關係 校園參與式設計作為操作美感教育之策略,規劃團隊透過與校內課程結合之方式執行工作坊課程,透過課程中公開討論平台,並以實際的意見表達、繪畫、模型製作等過程滿足學生參與校園規劃,藉以喚起學生重新認識校園參與、校園環境等不同層面的思考價值。學生透過工作坊課程產生知覺「再經驗」,與群體、環境互動將其經驗轉化為「知識」,形成「教育」。所設計操作、推動的參與式工作坊課程,本身就是教育的一部分,可視同美感教育的增能效益,同時也促使學生校園參與之機會。 二、 限制與困境 枋寮國小校園參與式工作坊執行之美感教育探討,規劃後的校園空間是受到校方、美感教育委員權力介入所產生,學生缺乏後續設計發展的參與;變更後的設計方案並未回饋給學生理解。因此枋寮國小學生在參與式設計行動中,仍屬於被動狀態,校園參與式設計「由下而上」的決策過程仍然受到「由上而下」之決策影響,是種單向的操作過程,缺乏對等的雙向溝通,本次參與式工作坊受到上述因素影響,使學生缺乏明確的參與主體性。


This study aims to explore the current execution of Participatory Planning Process and the medium and long-term programs of Aesthetics Education of the Ministry of Education on campus. The author’s subject of an Action Study is the campus aesthetic program from September 2016 to March 2017 in Fang-Liao Elementary School, XinPu Township, Hsinchu County. The author probes into the context of Participatory Planning Process and Aesthetics Education in the spatial planning of elementary school in order to recognize the operation of participatory action in the planning process, educational benefit, administration system, and power structure of Participatory Planning Process and Aesthetics Education for campus design, and proposes the following result and reflection. This study adopts participant observation of qualitative research. The author cooperates with the outsourcing planning team of the program and personally participates in the workshop of Participatory Planning Process of Fang-Liao Elementary School. The author records the phenomenon caused by the interactions among the subjects in the process. First, by related literature review, this study constructs the primary theoretical background as the base of the author’s statement in the planning process. After accomplishing the record of the planning process, the author generalizes related official documents, books, applications of the project, and examination briefing of the Aesthetics Education program of the Ministry of Education, as well as construction drawing, briefing, interviews, and image recordings of the program of the planning team as the key issues to clarify the record of this planning process, and proposes conclusions and the following research directions. Upon empirical research, this study obtains the following conclusions: 1. Relationship between Participatory Planning Process on campus and Aesthetics Education Participatory Planning Process on campus serves as the strategy to operate Aesthetics Education. The planning team practices the workshop by integrating the curriculum of the school. By public forum of the course, opinion expression, painting, and modeling, it allows students to participate in campus planning in order to lead to their recognition of the thinking values of campus participation and the campus environment. Through the workshop program, students perceive “re-experience” and their experience is transformed into “knowledge” through interaction with the groups and the environment, which will result in “education”. Participatory workshops are planned and implemented as part of education, and can be conceived as the development benefit of Aesthetics Education, which increases students’ opportunities for campus participation. 2. Limitation and obstacle The study of Aesthetics Education, as practiced by the Participatory workshop in Fang-Liao Elementary School and the planned campus, are developed by the intervention of the school and the authority of Aesthetics Education directors. Students lack participation in the following design, and do not absorb the changed program. Therefore, in the participatory planning process, students of Fang-Liao Elementary School are passive. “From the bottom to top” decision-making of the participatory planning process, it is influenced by “from the top to bottom” decisions. As it is a one-way operation, it lacks equal and two-way communication. Due to previous factors, students of the workshop do not recognize the subjectivity of participation.


6.李鴻生,(2011),落實美感教育之探詢,Journal of Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare & Management,第9期,79-91。
