  • 學位論文


Color Preferences for Office Spaces

指導教授 : 張謙允


在辦公環境中,色彩扮演著舉足輕重的角色,它直接作用於工作者的心理與生理,也反映出工作者的心情與情緒,導致間接影響工作成效。辦公室設計往往著重在空間的配置計劃,或是基礎設施的完善程度,如:辦公家具、照明設備、通風空調,卻鮮少關注使用者對其環境色彩的需求及喜好所帶來的影響。有鑑於此,本研究目的為瞭解人們對辦公空間之色彩偏好。 本研究之室內照片,依紅、橙、黃、綠、藍、紫主色系及同一、近似、對比、互補以及無彩色、不調合色的配色方式進行分類,將以P.C.C.S.(日本色彩研究所配色體系)之色彩系統作為配色依據,透過實驗進行調查,其過程為針對樣本圖片的意見一致性調查,以及辦公空間色彩偏好調查。藉以28張不同色彩組合的辦公空間圖片,利用網路調查隨機取樣83位受測者的色彩偏好意向,根據統計結果進行因素分析,得出6個色系因子。 藉由問卷調查結果進行統計分析,其研究目的為掌握工作者對於辦公空間之色彩偏好,以及研究年齡、性別、居住地區、教育程度、收入、有無設計背景、星座之不同族群色彩偏好的差異性。從人口調查變項中檢定變異數,研究發現,僅「收入」的人口變項對於因素內容沒有顯著差異,其分析結果為人口變項會影響受測者的色彩偏好。此外,從統計因素分析得知,最有共識的辦公空間色彩依序為無彩色、橙黃色系、藍色系。男性最偏好無彩色,女性最偏好藍色系。 最後進行色彩綜合應用及討論,歸納在不同空間條件及工作需求下的配色方式,並根據本研究之調查成果以真實圖片進行改色,同時訪談設計師對於辦公空間配色的其它應用觀點;面對資訊科技的發展下及欲趨重視的人性化議題,色彩也具有移動性、動態性及個人化。期望此研究成果作為辦公空間空間色彩規劃時的參考依據,以輔助設計工作者有效掌握其色彩應用,讓辦公空間能滿足人性與效率之目標。


Color plays an important role in work environment. It directly acts upon employees’ mind and body as well as their moods and emotions. It is therefore, not without reason that color has an indirect impact on effectiveness at work. Office design often focuses on space planning or building infrastructure, such as office furniture, lighting systems, or air conditioning. However, it rarely pays special attention on the effect of the workers’ preferred choices of color and color preferences. In veiw of this, the purpose of this reaserch aims to survey color preferences for office spaces. The interior photographs in this study are classified according to primary and secondary colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple and color combinations which include identity, similarity, contrast, and complementary, achromatic color, and inharmony color in color relationship. In this experiment, P.C.C.S. (Practical Color Co-ordinate System) was used as the basis of color samples. First, survey of consistency views on the sample pictures were conducted. Then color preference in office environment was investigated, and the color matching principle was summarized. By using 28 different color combinations of pictures of office work area, 83 participants selected randomly from the Internet showed their color preferences. Through factor analysis, the data was analzed and resulted in 6 color factors. The purpose of using statistical analysis to evaluate the questionnaires is to get a grasp of the employees’ color preferences for their office work area. A total of seven variables, including age, gender, area of residence, education level, personal income, design background, and horoscope, were analyzed for the office employees’ color preferences. From the demographic survey, the data showed a little that only the personal income variable significant influence on color preferences. In addition, it is shown from the statistical factor analysis that the preferred colors in office work area are achromatic , orange , and blue . The data also indicated that men prefer achromatic while women prefer blue the most. Finally,this chapter focuses on color application and discussion. From the study, it was concluded that the preferred choice of color varies under different space conditions and different working environment. Based on the findings of this study, the picture of the office work area was changed into preferred colors. Furthermore, designers were interviewed about their perspective on color schemes for office work area and other applications. As we pursue technological and humanized style of life, colors also show their mobile, dynamic, and diversed feature. It is anticipated that the result of this study can serve as a reference for the color scheme for office work area, hoping to assist designers to grasp the application of color and thus turning a work area into an efficient and humanized work space.


Color of Space P.C.C.S. Color Harmony Office Color Preference




