  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Career Transferring Processes of a Administrative Teacher from a Public School to a Waldorf School

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究透過質性研究法,研究目的為探討一位公立教師兼行政人員生涯轉換至華德福學校的生涯轉換動機、生涯轉換過程、並進一步探究研究參與者於華德福學校與公立學校兩種不同教育體制的經驗,與其轉換至華德福學校所面對的挑戰及因應策略。 本研究為個案研究,以深入訪談為主,並以實地觀察、文件分析及研究札記等方式為輔,並運用三角檢證、研究者回饋和研究參與者查證,以確保資料的真實性。 本研究結論有以下四點: 一、個案教師生涯轉換的動機是他勇於挑戰與學習的人格特質、公立學校行政工作缺乏新挑戰、考慮孩子的教育以及長官的鼓勵。 二、個案教師生涯轉換歷經掙扎、勇敢、調適與新生活四個過程。 三、個案教師對華德福學校與公立學校的經驗在於行政、教學、教師專業、學生學習、家長參與等方面有不同的看法。 四、個案教師生涯轉換至華德福學校後,能勇於面對師資培育的再訓練、教學典範的轉移、家長的質疑、行政編制不足與兩個教育體制並存的矛盾與對立等挑戰,並提出因應的策略克服之。 本研究也提出幾點建議,以作為未來個案教師、個案學校、公立學校行政領導人員、教育行政機關及後續研究之參考。


This research adopts qualitative research method, with the research purpose of exploration of career transformation motivation, the process of a public administrative teacher who transfers to a Waldorf School as well as further explores the experiences of participants in two different educational systems of Waldorf school and public school, and the challenges faced and responding strategies along with the career transformation. This research is a case study, taking thorough interview as the principle, assisted with field observation, file analysis, and research reading notes, and triangle verification, researchers feedback, and checking by research participants are applied for ensuring if authenticity of materials. The conclusion of this research includes the following four aspects: 1.The career transition motivation of the teacher in the case is his personality of braveness in challenging and learning. The idea of career transformation is generated facing with lack of new challenge in administrative work in public school for future education of his own children under the support of president of school. 2.The process of teachers’ career transformation in individual case is struggling, braveness, adjusting and new life. 3. There are different opinions about teachers’ experience in Waldorf school and public school in individual case in aspects of administration, teaching, teachers’ profession, students’ study, parents participation. 4. After the teacher in the case transfers his career to Waldorf, he is brave in re-training teacher training, shifting teaching model, parents questioned, inadequate preparation of administrative and contradictions and conflicts of two different education systems coexisting in a school, proposing corresponding strategies for overcoming difficulties. This research also proposes several suggestions for teachers, schools involved in the case, administrative leaders of public school, educational administrative department as well as related researchers in the future for reference.


