  • 學位論文


A Study on the Parentification, Resilience and Life Adjustment of Vocational High School Hospitality Program Students.

指導教授 : 杜宜展


本研究旨在探討高中職餐旅群學生親職化、復原力與生活適應之關係。主要研究目的為: 一、了解高中職餐旅群學生親職化、復原力與生活適應之現況。 二、比較不同背景變項之高中職餐旅群學生在親職化、復原力、生活適應之差異情形。 三、探討親職化與復原力對生活適應之預測力。 四、研究結果可提供學校及家庭對親職化、復原力與生活適應之參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用文獻分析及問卷調查法方式蒐集資料、以北、中、南及東部地區十二所高中職餐旅群學生共517位學生為研究對象,並以自編「家庭經驗、復原力與生活適應量表」為研究工具,資料蒐集後以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析法、多元迴歸分析進行資料處理。 根據研究結果發現,本研究結論為: 一、高中職餐旅群學生親職化維持在中等以下;復原力、生活適應維持在中等以上。 二、背景變項與親職化有顯著差異存在。 三、性別及母親教育方式與復原力有顯著差異存在。 四、性別、年級、家庭結構、父母親管教方式與生活適應有顯著差異存在。 五、親職化及復原力能有效預測生活適應 根據研究結果提供家長、老師與後續研究者之建議為: 一、完整的家庭結構有利生活適應的發展。 二、父母的管教方式能增進復原力及生活適應。 三、給予孩子合適的責任承擔範圍,減少壓力的來源。 四、增加親師溝通的機會,了解學生家庭狀況。 五、善用課程的環境給予正面鼓勵,以增加外部環境的支持。


This study examined how the level of parentification, resilience and life adjustment occurs and interacts among students in hospitality programs. This study proposes to examine four main aspects as follows: First of all, the understanding of the current circumstance in parentification, resilience and life adjustment interacts among students in hospitality programs. Secondly, the comparison of parentification, resilience and life adjustment occurs among hospitality students from difference backgrounds. Thirdly, the discussion of how to predict students’ life adjustment ability from their data of parentification and resilience. Last but not least, the outcome of this study can hopefully provide some useful information for parents, educators and people who are working on the same field. In order to examine the four aspects mentioned above, this study was conducted by collecting data from both document analysis and survey method with a questionnaire. The data collection sessions used self-complied questionnaires for parentification, resilience and life adjustment and the participants in this study were 517 students in hospitality programs who enrolled in twelve different high schools in Taiwan. Next, the data analysis used t-Test, One-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis as measures to the conclusion. The result of this study is as follows: Firstly, the level of parentification remains below the average, on the other hand, the level of the ability of resilience and life adjustment remains beyond the average. Secondly, there is a significant level of difference showed between background variable and parentification. Thirdly, there is also a significant level of difference between gender, mother parenting method and the ability of resilience. Fourthly, gender, age, family structure and parenting method have significant level of difference in the ability of life adjustment. Finally, parentification and the ability of resilience can be used effectively to predict students’ ability of life adjustment. According to the outcome of this study, the suggestions are as follows: Firstly, students from family structure which gives fully supported helps the development of their ability of life adjustment. Secondly, the way of good parenting methods improves the ability of resilience and life adjustment. Thirdly, children are taken responsibilities to a reasonable level. Fourthly, the more interaction and communication between parents and teachers the clearer picture of student’s background will be provide. Last but not least, in order to improve the support from the external environment, teachers should give positive feedbacks by utilizing learning environment.




