  • 學位論文


A Survey on the Idea of Adapted Physical Education of the Teachers in Health and Physical Education Realm in Junior High School

指導教授 : 李志文


本研究主要目的在探討,不同身分背景的健體領域教師對實施適應體育的「安置方式」、「教學支持態度及任教意願」、「需求程度」及「困難」等意見與看法。研究對象為北部地區公立國中之健體領域教師,以問卷調查的方式,蒐集有效樣本數共369份,所得資料以百分比、χ2檢定、t考驗及單因子變異數分析進行分析討論,研究結果歸納如下: 一、健體領域教師(84%)均認為輕度障礙學生最適合安置於普通班級中,其中又以語言障礙學生較適合。此外對自閉症的安置,健教教師(32.9%)高於體育(22.7%)及合科教師(14.1%)。二、在困難方面,缺乏適應體育教學知能這個項目,健教教師(84.9%)高於體育(67.3%)及合科教師(68.2%)。三、在適應體育的「支持態度」方面,教師年齡30歲以下高於41-50歲及50歲以上,教學年資3年以內的高於20年以上,有適應體育相關研習或進修高於無適應體育相關研習或進修。四、在適應體育的「任教意願」方面,合科教師高於體育及健康教育的老師,有適應體育相關研習或進修高於無適應體育相關研習或進修。五、不同身份背景的健體領域教師在對適應體育的需求上並無不同,平均分數均超過63分,介於需要與非常需要之間。 因此,具備適應體育知能的健體領域教師,對適應體育的支持態度及任教意願均較優,將更有助於適應體育的實施與推展。 關鍵詞:健體領域教師、適應體育


This study aimed to find out the ideas and comments of the health and physical education teachers with various backgrounds on the placement, attitude in supporting teaching and the willingness to teach, requirement, and difficulties in practicing adapted physical education. The subjects were health and physical education teachers in public junior high school in north Taiwan. The valid samples of the questionnaires were 369, which were analyzed and discussed with χ2, t-test , and one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows, 1.Health and physical education teachers(84%)thought mildly-handicapped students could be placed in ordinary class, among whom students with language disorders were the best. As to place the students with autism in the ordinary class, health education teachers(32.9%) outnumbered PE teachers (22.7%)and other health and physical education realm teachers(14.1%). 2.The number of the health teachers (84.9%)that lacked the ideas of the adapted physical education was higher than that of the PE(67.3%)and health and physical education realm teachers(68.2%)with the same quality. 3.In the supporting attitude of adapted physical education, the teachers who were under 30 years old were better than those who were between 41-50 and over 50, those who taught less than 3 years were more supportive than those who taught over 20 years, and those who had taken courses related to adapted physical education outnumbered those had not. 4.In the willingness to teach of adapted physical education, Health and physical education realm teachers outnumbered health and PE teachers, and those who had taken courses related to adapted physical education outnumbered those had not. 5.Health and physical education teachers with different backgrounds showed no differences on the requirement in adapted physical education. Therefore, providing more knowledgeable by intelligence related to adapted physical education to the health and physical education realm teachers might help practice promote adapted physical education. Key words:Health and Physical Education Realm、Adapted Physical Education


