  • 學位論文


A Study on Natural Science and Living Technology Field Textbooks' Design and Development in Junior -High School for the New Curriculum in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃政傑


國民中學的教科書全面開放,是一切課程改革的起點。而自然與生活科技領域的教科書發展順暢與否,牽動著我國科學教育的進步幅度。在這過程中為了獲得重要商機,各出版社皆投入大量的人力和物力,以求產出優質的教科書。依據課程綱要中課程統整的精神,出版社如何泯除傳統上各分科的界限,如何轉化和詮釋綱要內涵成為具體的教科書內容,俱是眾所矚目。 基於此,本研究目的有四:(一).探討「自然與生活科技」領域教科書發展的理念;(二).了解出版社編寫「自然與生活科技」領域教科書的實施現況;(三)探究出版社發展「自然與生活科技」領域教科書的問題和因應;(四)歸納研究結果,以供未來發展與革新之參考。 本研究主要採文獻分析法、文件分析法與訪談法為主。訪談主要以面對面方式進行,對象包括參與課程綱要制定者、實際投入教科書編寫的出版社相關人員與研究科學課程經驗豐富的學者專家。根據文件分析與訪談資料分析之發現,共歸納出以下有關自然與生活科技教科書發展九點結論: 1、各版本自然與生活科技教科書課程統整的目標一致,但統整的模式則多元化。 貳、國中小自然與生活科技教科書編輯群在運作上比以往獲得更多的對話,更能致力於落實縱向銜接的一貫精神。 參、環保與資訊議題,是發展自然與生活科技教科書最易融入的題材。 肆、自然與生活科技教科書在跨領域的教材選編多出自於數學和綜合活動領域,橫向聯繫的連結度仍有待編輯群開發。 伍、自然與生活科技教科書發展的方向均朝合科課程設計方式,但單元間仍可見到學科界限。 陸、自然與生活科技教科書發展的困難主要來自出版商本身、編輯群成員、審查規準與市場行銷上的問題。 柒、各版本自然與生活科技教科書在編輯過程中,均能不斷思考學校本位課程發展的需求。 捌、各版本自然與生活科技教科書相同之處,在於編輯方向皆能符合綱要中的主題軸精神,達成形式上的統整合科。 玖、各版自然與生活科技本教科書主要差異之處,在於單元架構安排的順序與能力指標轉化的深淺不同。 最後本研究根據研究發現和結論,針對對課程綱要修訂、教科書出版商、教科書編輯、教科書審查單位、教科書評鑑、師資培育制度、學校及教師及後續研究等分別提出進一步的建議。


To liberalize the authorized version of textbooks in junior- high school paves the way for curriculum reform. Subsequently, whether textbooks in Natural Science and Living Technology field(NSLT) could be well published both in quality and quantity will decide the future of our science education. Under this situation, publishers in Taiwan have invested a great amount of resources in writing high-quality textbooks so as to acquire business opportunities in the market. Therefore, how publishers could cross the boundary in different disciplines and compile textbooks in accordance with Curricular Guidelines set forth by Ministry of Education (MOE) will draw attention of the general public. The goals of this study include: 1.Exploring developmental concept of textbooks of NSLT Studies. 2.Understanding current status in the compiling of textbooks of NSLT Studies. 3.Discussing problems faced by publishers in the compiling of textbooks of NSLT Studies and their counter-measures. 4.Analyzing research findings for future development and reforms. Methodology used in this research mainly involves documentary analysis and interviews and the latter ones were conducted face in face by the author with related persons, which included officials, academics and publishers. Based upon analysis of relevant documents and interviews, the following conclusions were drawn from this research as follows: 1.Integration of different disciplines in Textbooks of NSLT Studies has become a common trend; and the mode of integration is plural. 2.Editing groups for elementary school and junior-high school tries to facilitate more dialogues in textbooks so as to increase vertical coordination. 3.Issues concerning environment protection and information education are frequently used in NSLT Textbooks. 4.Selection and writing of cross-boundary teaching materials could be easily found in fields of mathematics and general activities; however, horizontal coordination should be explored further by editing groups in the future. 5.The designing concept of NSLT Textbooks aims to integrate different disciplines; however, we could still find boundaries oft disciplines amongt units in those textbooks. 6.The main difficulty confronted by the compiling of NSLT Textbooks includes factors such as publishers’ qualifications, recruitment of members for textbooks review criteria and sales and marketing. 7.During the editing process of NSLT textbooks,editors of different versions always tried the best to meet the needs of school-based curriculum development. 8.Different editions of NSLT textbooks have one thing in common, i.e., they are generally in line with the subject set forth by Curriculum Guidelines of MOE. Consequently ,different disciplines within NSLT textbooks are integrated, at least in form. 9.The main difference of variant NSLT textbooks lies in the organizations of their frameworks and styles transforming of competency indicators. Finally, based upon the findings and conclusion observed above, this research proposes suggestions to the revisions of MOE, relevant evaluation units, publishers and school teachers for the operations and revisions of the New Curriculum Guidelines . On the other hand, this author will also provide suggestions for follow-on researches in the future.




謝筱蕙(2009)。兩岸高中國語文教科書編制與政治意識形態選課研究 ──以龍騰版與人教版為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00039
