  • 學位論文


A Study on Legal Training of Government Procurement Specialists

指導教授 : 陳耀祥


政府職能不斷擴張之下,政府採購政策若要能兼顧興利與防弊,「政府採購專業人員」是執行層面中相當重要之影響因素,惟採購專業人員資格考試訓練發證及管理辦法施行迄今已逾10年,該訓練之運作模式及課程規劃是否符合實務之法律知識需求?卻無相關檢討或研究。因此,本研究期能透過文獻分析及深度訪談,瞭解政府採購專業人員之職務定位及其訓練制度、分析現行法制訓練之相關問題,並依據研究結果提出法制訓練改革之建議方案,做為相關機關修改採購人員訓練制度之參考。 本研究發現政府採購職務應予以專任專職、採購職務與福利措施不對稱、現行訓練制度尚待改善、現行法制訓練無法滿足採購人員職務需求、採購人員之法制知能有待提升、法制訓練制度應儘速修改,以符時宜;並提出3點建議以供參考:落實採購人員職務專業化定位、訓練課程應符合實務需求、法制訓練制度應積極修法革新。至於法制訓練制度之革新建議方案有4種:現有訓練制度中增列採購相關法律課程、增設採購人員專屬之法制專業認證、透過國家考試方式進用採購職系之專業人才、成立「採購平台」以整合政府採購業務。


With the continuous expansion of government functions, to take into account both advantages and disadvantages of government procurement policies, one of the important influential factors in the aspect of implementation is “government procurement specialists”. However, the Certification and Management of Regulations for Procurement Specialists Qualifying, Examination Training have been brought into force for over a decade, are the training model and the course plan actually consistent with the practical legal knowledge requirements? So far there hasn’t been any related review or study. Thus, this study aims to, through literature analyses and in-depth interviews, learn more about the job positioning of government procurement specialists and the training system, analyze the current issues related to legal training, and propose some solutions for legal training reformation based on the research results as the reference for related government institutions to modify their procurement specialist training system.   The study findings include that the government procurement specialist positions should be full-time positions, the welfare for the procurement specialist positions is not enough, the current training system needs to be improved, the current legal training cannot meet the requirements for the procurement specialist positions, the procurement specialists' legal knowledge needs to be improved, and the legal training system should be modified as soon as possible to become appropriate to the current situation. Thus, this study proposes 3 suggestions as references: The procurement specialist job must be positioned as a professional job, training courses must be designed to meet practical requirements, and the legal training system must be actively modified through revision of related laws. And this study proposes 4 solutions for legal training system reformation: including courses of procurement related laws in the current training system, designing a legal professional certification system for procurement specialists, employing professional talents from procurement related fields or school departments through national exams, and building a "procurement platform" to integrate government procurement affairs.


