  • 學位論文


The Study Of Applying ANP And Cluster Analysis To Construct Customer Relationship Management Model-A Case Study Of Medical Cosmetic Industry

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


隨著療程費用合理化以及社會價值觀的改變,大眾對於醫學美容的接受度已大幅提升,近幾年來已成為台灣自費醫療服務中很熱門的項目。本研究首先透過文獻探討、專家訪談歸納出醫學美容產業服務業者在進行顧客價值衡量時,所著重的指標與其定義,並進行資料準備和處理,同時,依據研擬的衡量指標設計專家問卷,透過分析網路程序法彙整專家意見,取得各衡量指標的排序及權重係數,並結合資料庫的處理結果,將顧客於各衡量指標的加權得分做為顧客群集分析的分析變項,並結合判別分析、交叉分析的結果,找出具有較強解釋力以決定顧客歸屬的變項及發掘各顧客群的特徵,藉由專家意見的回饋,強化本研究在各顧客群特徵的詮釋及關係管理建議的設計。 根據研究結果可發現: (1) 以醫學美容產業而言,除了RFM三個衡量指標,顧客看診淨利和轉介紹次數亦為顧客價值衡量相當重要的指標之一。 (2) 針對兩類療程,費用是顧客價值衡量最重要的因素,其中,微整形類療程或產品在顧客價值衡量上較偏重顧客正面口碑以及顧客與醫療院所接觸的頻率,而外科整形類療程則較偏重診所淨利。 (3) 反映分析網路程序法所獲得權重係數的顧客加權總價值指標具有最大的判別能力以區分各顧客群集。


With the rationalization of the treatment costs as well as social values change, the public acceptance of medical cosmetology has increased dramatically. In recent years, medical cosmetology has become a very popular service of self-pay medical services. In this research, we firstly summarized customer value metrics of the medical cosmetic industry through the literature review and expert interviews, and executed data preparation and data processing. At the same time, we designed expert questionnaire which was based on the designed metrics, and measured the weights of various assessment between metrics corresponds to through the Analytic Network Process. Then we combined it with the results of the database processing, set the weighted score of each measure variables as analysis variables to identify which customer attribution has stronger power of explanatory and explore the characteristics of customers in each cluster by using cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and cross-analysis. Finally, we strengthened the interpretation of characteristics of each cluster and the design of the recommendations of relationship management by the feedback of expert advice. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.Besides the three measures of the RFM analysis, Profit and Introduction are also very important measures in the medical cosmetic industry. 2.The cost is the most important factor of customer value when comparing two types of treatments. In micro-cosmetic surgery, it emphasizes on reputation and the frequency of customers contacting with the medical institutions. In plastic surgery, it emphasizes on the net income or expenses of clinics. 3.Indicator “Total’’with the weighted coefficient reflecting by Analysis Network Process has the greatest discriminant ability to differentiate between each customer cluster.


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