  • 學位論文


A Study on the Type of Telecommunication Fraud and prevention Strategies

指導教授 : 許春金


國立臺北大學96學年度第2學期碩士學位論文提要 論文題目: 電信詐欺犯罪類型、特徵與防制策略之研究 論文頁數:108 所 組 別: 犯 罪 學 研 究 所 (學號:79487925) 研 究 生: 宋 樹 寰 指導教授:許 春 金 博士 論文提要內容: 電信產業的蓬勃發展,提供了大眾便利的溝通方式,但是各式各樣與電信有關的犯罪型態也跟著應運而生。本研究首先收集目前國內外有關電信詐欺犯罪的定義及說明,進行系統性的整理與分析,就電信詐欺犯罪的類型與特徵等,提供全面性的瞭解與說明。提到電信詐欺,大家就會聯想到曾經接過的詐財簡訊或是詐騙電話,被害人為一般的民眾,但將電信詐欺被害標的擴大來看,由於電信產業屬於知識密度高的專業領域,若犯罪者具備一定的電信專業知識,再加上進入門檻(即犯罪所需付出的實際成本)不高,可能使得電信業者成為電信詐欺犯罪的被害標的,犯罪者可從中牟利。基於以上兩大研究主題,本研究以質性訪談的方式,分別與電信業者的從業人員,及專門負責偵辦電信犯罪的電信警察進行訪談,瞭解電信詐欺的意義,及電信業者做為電信詐欺被害者的相關問題。另外,也針對電信詐欺的司法判決內容進行整理與分析,確認電信詐欺的犯罪手法及犯罪特徵。最後綜合上述三項內容,確定了電信詐欺的犯罪型態,以及電信業者也會成為電信詐欺被害者。研究發現如下: 一、電信詐欺已成為台灣,或是其他已開發歐美國家及開發中國家近年來的新型犯罪問題,兼具新型態及傳統犯罪的特性。 二、電信詐欺的被害人可能是個人,也可能是電信公司。 三、電信公司如受到電信詐欺,多半以民事的手段請求,而不以刑事的手段。 四、電信詐欺可以是獨立的犯罪行為,或是連帶與其他犯罪行為一併發生。 五、電信警察目前大多偵辦以個人為被害人的電信詐欺,較少處理以電信業者為被害人的案件,部分原因是在於電信公司不想公開,而影響其商業形象。


Abstract The advancement of technological tool such as cellular phone has made life easier and more convenient. However, some individuals or groups have utilized these telecommunication devices as the tool to defraud a lot of unsuspecting victims even the telecommunication business. Telecommunication fraud is the theft of telecommunication services or the use of telecommunication services to commit other forms of fraud. This thesis focus on the recent research or study papers regarding the topic of telecommunication fraud. The author tries to provide the comprehensive review of telecommunication fraud by studying the current research papers both from Taiwan or other countries such as Australia, British and United States. After analyzing the types and characteristics of telecommunication fraud, the author conducts the interview with people who work for telecommunication business and law enforcement. The purpose of the interviews is to obtain the firsthand information from the people who actually deal with telecommunication fraud as their routine works. Based on courts’ judgments document, those give us the basic ideas about crimes’ features, such as: number of telecommunication fraud committed, how the crime committed, and most importantly, the strategies for crime prevention. Bellows are the summary of the finding from the study: 1. The number of telecommunication fraud has increased rapidly not only in Taiwan, also in developed countries. The crime combines innovated and traditional characteristic of crimes. 2. The victims of the telecommunication fraud can be individuals, telecommunication service providers, sometimes even government. 3. Although telecommunication fraud is the criminal offense, most of time the offenders have the civil liabilities only. 4. Usually telecommunication fraud is the independent crime, but sometimes it is associated with other crimes such as organization crime, drug dealings, or other criminal activities. 5. Taiwan government has organized the special taskforce i.e. telecommunication police to deal with telecommunication crimes and telecommunication fraud as well. However, they mostly handle fraud cases which the victims are general public. When telecommunication companies become the victims, they rather keep it quiet than make a headline of the newspaper.


洪川筑譯,Douglas Lamont著
Felson Marcus


