  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


品牌形象屬於行銷的重要課題,許多學者陸續提出品牌形象對購買行為的研究,但大多偏重在探討品牌權益與消費者的互動關係,比較少從品牌形象的構面去探討對購買行為的影響。由於以往有關咖啡館品牌形象對購買行為的研究,也多在探討商店形象或所提供的服務對購買行為的影響,很少從品牌形象的構面進行研究分析。故本研究選擇星巴克及85度C為研究對象,採用Biel(1992)所提出的品牌形象的架構模型為基礎,針對品牌形象不同來源的三個構面:產品形象、企業形象、國家形象,並根據過去的相關文獻發展各構面的衡量量表,深入探討其對消費者購買行為的影響。由於文獻顯示消費者涉入會影響消費者對品牌形象的認知,故在本研究中加入消費者涉入為干擾變數,探討其對品牌形象與購買行為之間的干擾效果。 本研究選擇連鎖咖啡館的主要消費族群 (大學生)為研究對象,採便利抽樣,回收及過濾出156份有效問卷,使用驗證性因素分析及階層迴歸分析來檢定各項假說是否成立。研究結果發現:品牌形象的產品形象、企業形象與國家形象對購買行為皆有顯著正向的直接影響;星巴克的品牌形象與購買行為均受到消費者涉入的干擾;85度C的品牌形象與購買行為則未受到消費者涉入的干擾。 本研究藉由學術研究的發展,歸納出四點管理實務建議,提供業者經營策略的參考。建議兩家連鎖咖啡店可從消費者的需求創造產品的差異化,提升消費者的購買意願;並藉由企業的社會責任營造優良的企業形象,提升消費者的認同感。星巴克應該運用品牌形象資產擴大經營範疇,提供消費者更多的服務。85度C可藉由其創新的經營模式,提供消費者不同的產品服務,進行國際化與星巴克競爭。


Brand image plays an important role in marketing. Many research scholars have proposed research successively on how brand image affects consumer purchase behavior, but most of them emphasized on the interacting relations between brand equity and customers. Less of them investigated the influences on consumer purchase behavior from the aspect of brand image. As earlier relevant research of coffee shop’s brand image on consumer purchase behavior mostly investigated into the store’s image or the services it offered on consumer purchase behavior, not many research had done analysis from the aspect of brand image. Therefore, we chose Starbucks Coffee and 85℃ as the research subjects and adopted the structural model of brand image proposed by Biel(1992) as the foundation, to explore the influences on consumer purchase behavior in terms of three aspects of brand image from different sources, product image, corporate image and national image, and of the measurement scale developed from the past relevant references. Moreover, as literature shows that consumer involvement has influences on consumers’ awareness of brand image, this study thus added consumer involvement as a moderating variable, in order to investigate the interfering effects between brand image and consumer purchase behavior. In this study we chose university students as the research subjects since they were the main targets of the chain coffee stores. 156 copies of questionnaire were retrieved effective by convenience sampling. We used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis to prove the hypotheses. Our findings are as follows. Product image, corporate image and national image of brand image have positive effects on consumer purchase behavior. The brand image and the consumer purchase behavior of Starbucks Coffee had been interfered by consumer involvement. The brand image and the consumer purchase behavior of 85℃ had not been interfered by consumer involvement. The study by means of the development of the academic research, conclude four practical suggestions for business owners on management strategies. The study suggests that Starbucks Coffee and 85℃ should elevate consumers’ purchase intention by creating differentiation from their needs among products and should hoist the recognition from consumers by the excellent corporate image built from the company’s social responsibilities. Furthermore, Starbucks Coffee should use its invisible asset, brand image, to extend its business scale and to provide even more consumer services. Also, 85℃ stores can proceed internationalization by means of its innovative management mode to provide consumers with diverse products, like bread and cake, in order to compete with Starbucks Coffee.


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