  • 學位論文


Research on service learning of Tzu Chi homecare and long-term care visiting volunteers

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


慈濟居家關懷與長期照顧訪視志工服務學習之研究 指導教授:蔡秀美 博士 學 生:李淑卿 摘要       本研究旨在探討慈濟居家關懷與長期照顧訪視志工的服務學習之研究,主要的研究目的包含探究訪視志工的參與動機、服務學習的過程、困境及因應策略、以及成長與收穫。 為達上述之目的,本研究採用質性研究法中的訪談法,透過訪談方式來了解本研究五位慈濟訪視志工的服務學習,並根據訪談紀錄進行資料的整理、編碼與分析,獲致以下的研究結論: 一、慈濟訪視志工的參與動機在於對證嚴法師及慈濟慈善理念的認同、慈濟師兄姐的帶領和影響、以及個人行善感恩之意念等。 二、慈濟訪視志工服務學習的過程包含訪視見習培訓過程、習得的知識與技能以及倫理規範的實踐等。 三、訪視志工服務學習的困境主要來自於「訪視志工本身情緒的調適問題」、「身兼多重角色,須兼顧家庭與工作」、「個案缺乏理性認知,溝通困難」及「個案是否開誠佈公,影響評估之進行」等四方面。 四、慈濟訪視志工面臨困境的因應策略有組織提供管道、聽上人開示、師兄姐的協助及自我的策略調整與能力提升。 五、訪視服務學習帶給訪視志工「個性、觀念的改變」、「家庭關係的改善」、「人際互動能力的提升」以及「自我能力的增能」。 六、訪視服務學習帶給案家學習成長獨立的機會、找回快樂自信以及懂得感恩惜福、主動回饋、讓愛循環。 七、提供具體建議供慈濟功德會及其他非營利組織或團體做為日後規劃志工學習方案的參考。 關鍵字:慈濟、慈善、訪視志工、服務學習


慈濟 慈善 訪視志工 服務學習


Research on service learning of Tzu Chi homecare and long-term care visiting volunteers Advisor: Dr.Tsai,Hsiu-mei Student: Lee, Shu-ching Abstract This research aims at exploring the service-learning of the Tzu Chi visiting volunteers for homecare and long-term care. The topics of participation motivation, service-learning process, the difficulties and solving strategies, as well as the growth of the visiting volunteers are included. To achieve the above purpose, this study used interviews based on qualitative approach to understand the service-learning of five Tzu Chi volunteers. According to the analysis of information from interviews, the conclusions are as following: 1. The participation motivation of the volunteers includes: the recognition of Master Cheng Yen and Tzu Chi’s compassion philosophy, the guide and influence of Tzu Chi sisters and brothers, and individual ideas of doing good and gratitude, etc. 2. The service learning process of the Tzu Chi visiting volunteers includes understanding an apprentice training process, the practice from the learned knowledge, skills, and ethics, etc. 3. The service learning difficulties of the visiting volunteer mainly result from (1) the self-emotional adjustment of the visiting volunteers; (2) the visiting volunteers play multiple roles such as taking care of family and work at the same time; (3) the handled cases lacking the rational cognition, which results in communication difficulties; (4) whether the handled cases are fully informed, which affects the progress of assessments. 4. When Tzu Chi visiting volunteers have difficulties, the solutions involve listening to Master Cheng Yen’s talk, assistance from Tzu Chi’s sisters and brothers, and self-strategic adjustment and enhancing self-capabilities. 5. Visiting service learning makes volunteers the change of personality and thinking, improvement of family relationships, enhancement of interpersonal skills, and promotion of self-abilities. 6. Visiting service learning brings the opportunities of learning and growth to the visitors. Besides, retrieving the happiness and confidence, knowing gratitude and feedback, and circulating the love are involved. 7. Provide concrete recommendations for the Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merits Society and other non-profit organizations, or for the groups as the future planning of the volunteer learning programs. Keywords: Tzu-Chi, compassion, visiting volunteer, service learning




