  • 學位論文


The Correlation Research between Vocational and Senior High School Students `Internet Behavior and Family Background

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


本研究主要探討高中職學生網路沉迷與家庭背景間關聯性。經抽取台中市地區18所高中職計1080位15-18歲的學生,並透過問卷調查來瞭解高中職學生基本資料、家庭背景網路沉迷的行為關係。 結果顯示樣本中有19.2%的高中職學生有網路沉迷現象,其中學生在性別、學制(高中vs.高職)、公私立學校、年級、成績及假日平均每次上網所花時間等因素上皆有顯著的差異,顯示都會區之高中女生比男生容易網路沉迷;公立比私立的學生容易網路沉迷;高中比高職的學生容易網路沉迷;高一比高三學生容易網路沉迷,與一般傳統認知男生較女生容易網路沉迷不同。   再者,在家庭背景中,僅父親職業與網路沉迷有顯著之關係,說明父親職業類別屬第一類(半技術、非技術性工作及無業)的家庭背景之學生較易有網路沉迷。基此,網路沉迷不同於物質沉迷,如何避免網路沉迷產生,輔導人員除了解個人基本資料外,應深入了解學生家庭背景的影響,當學生屬於相對弱勢家庭(如父親職業類別屬第一類(半技術、非技術性工作及無業),學校師長與輔導人員應多加以關懷其課餘時間活動與休閒情況,如此應有助於適度控制學生網路成癮,進而影響其學業表現。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Internet addiction of senior and vocational high school students and their familybackgrounds. The subjects are 1,080 students aged from 15 to 18 years,sampled from 18 senior and vocational high schools in Taichung. Therelationships between student basic information, family backgrounds andInternet addiction are probed with survey questionnaires. The results indicate that 19.2% of senior and vocational high school students show symptoms of Internet addiction, and that the addiction behavior is significantly affected by such factors as gender, school system (the distinctionbetween senior and vocational high school, and that between public and privateschool), grade, academic performance, and the average time spent online onweekends and holidays. The results also show that: in an urbanized area, girlsare more likely have Internet addiction problem than boys; public schoolstudents are more likely to have this type of addiction than those in privateschools; students in senior high schools are more likely to be affected thanthose in vocational high schools; more first graders have the problem than thirdgraders.This is contrary to the conventional belief that boys are more likely to be stricken than girls.   Moreover, among those factors concerning family backgrounds, family income and the occupation of the father have a significant relationship with the subjects’ addiction problem. It shows that the subjects with a relatively higher or lower family income, or those whose fathers’ occupations fall in the first category (semi-skilled, unskilled, or jobless) are more likely to have Internet addiction. Based on that, internet addiction should be different from substance addiction. A deep understanding of the students’ family backgrounds on top of personal basic information is needed in order to develop the strategies to prevent it. When the subjects belong to the relatively lower family income(e.g. fathers’ occupations fall in the first category – semi-skilled, unskilled, or jobless), the school’s teachers and counselors should contribute more concerns to the subjects’ leisure activities and condition. This may provide some insight on assisting the subjects to control the subjects’ internet addition behavior, hence improving the subjects’ academic performance.


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