  • 學位論文


Applying CMMI to Improve Machine Development Project Planning

指導教授 : 廖岳祥


近年來,機械開發產業由傳統加工型態轉型為高科技研發型態,而產品開發速度及品質是企業生存發展的關鍵,更是產業界生存的重要議題之ㄧ。 此外,國內機械開發產業的品管制度多遵循ISO之品管制度,調適彈性較小,使得組織人員配合意願較低,造成導入及執行的阻力。而普遍被軟體開發業者採用之CMMI品管制度,調適彈性較大,與ISO品管制度相較之下,更容易導入於組織中。 本研究應用能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI)之專案規劃流程領域為規範,並以戴明循環(PDCA)為導入之方法,協助研究個案建立機械開發專案規劃標準流程,此流程亦可在循環過程中持續不斷地改善,並藉由CMMI的導入,進而提升機械開發產業的競爭力。


In recent years, the machine development industry transforms from traditional production into high-tech research and development, and the speed and quality of product development are crucial to the survival and development of business. In addition, the quality control systems of the machine development industry in Taiwan usually follow ISO quality control standard. Since the tailoring flexibility of ISO quality control standard is lower, the staffs of the organization are not willing to cooperate to implement it, and cause the resistance in ISO adoption and implementation. In contrast, the CMMI which is widely adopted by software developers has better flexibility in adaptation and is easier to be applied in organization. This research applies the Project Planning process area of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and PDCA, the Deming Cycle, to establish the standard continuous improved process for machine development project planning of the study case. In conclusion, the results of this research can help increase the competitiveness in the machine development industry.


Machine Development CMMI Project Planning


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