  • 期刊


A Case Study of Nursing Schools' Organizational Climate


本研究採調查研究法與焦點團體訪談,目的在於了解某技術學院教職員與學生所感受之組織氣候類型,並比較不同背景變項所感受組織氣候類型的差異。研究對象為該校全體專任教職員與學生;教職員採普查,學生則採立意取樣,回收有效量表為專任教師77份(57.9%),專任職員40份(76.9%),學生654份(99.2%)。資料分析方法包括描述性統計、單因子變異數分析或Kruskal-Wallis Test、T檢定或Mann-Whitney Test。研究結果發現,教師所感受之組織氣候的類型偏向親密型,職員所感受之組織氣候的類型偏向自主型,學生所感受之組織氣候的類型偏向封閉型。男教師、較高學歷、及非護理系所教師所感受的組織氣候較正向。不同背景變項之職員,所感受之組織氣候型態均沒有差異。女學生、年紀較高、已婚、位於城區部及非護理系所學生所感受之組織氣候較正向。研究結果可提供給該校主管參考,進而提升學校管理效能。


This research uses two methods-the survey and focus group. The main purposes of this case study are to explore the perceptions of organizational climate of the faculty, staff and students at a Nursing College, and also to compare the variation in their perception based on the difference in background. Census was used for the faculty and staff and purposive sampling was used for the students. 77 effective samples (57.9%) were returned by the faculty, 40 (76.9%) by the staff and 654 (99.2%) by the students. Then, the data was analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis Test, and t-test or Mann-Whitney Test. The study found that the type of organizational climate perception for each group is as follows: familiarity for the faculty, autonomy for the staff, and close f or the students. The perceptions of organization climate are m ore positive for two groups: male faculty with a more advance degree in non-nursing departments, and female students who are older, married and studying in non-nursing departments at the downtown campus. However, there is no significant variation for staff from different backgrounds. The research results could help administrators to promote the effectiveness of the school.


chen, Y. (2005). 從雁行理論探討課程發展委員會 之執行成效 -以桃園縣國民中學為例- [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500360
