  • 期刊


日語的反身動詞句及其定位|Reflexive construction of Japanese and its positioning




許多學者指出日語中存在著反身動詞句,但也有研究主張日語不須要設定反身動詞句。此外,前者的研究中對於反身動詞句的定義也不一致。本稿使用「所有概念的階層性」來定義典型的反身動詞句(亦即,ガ格名詞具[+人類]屬性的反身動詞句)中的ガ格名詞與ヲ格名詞之間的所有關係。此外,在ガ格名詞表[-人類]的句子中,亦存在著被認為是由典型的反身動詞句擴張而來的句子,本稿也探討了在這些句子中所有的概念如何變化。先前的研究中,有些研究將反身動詞句擴大解釋,將「主體狀態變化他動詞句」及「介入性他動詞句」亦列入其範圍。本稿由ガ格名詞在句中的語意功能、ガ格名詞與ヲ格名詞之間的所有關係來看這三者,釐清反身動詞句與上述兩種句構的不同。透過上述的方法,本稿讓日語中的反身動詞句的定義與範圍更為明確,並主張日語的反身動詞句具有句構範疇的地位。|While it has been pointed out that there is reflexive construction in Japanese, there is also a claim that it is not necessary to establish reflexive construction of Japanese. Also, the definitions of reflexive construction of Japanese are inconsistent in the former studies. In this paper, we defined the possessive relationship between "ga" noun phrase and "wo" noun phrase of typical reflexive construction, that is, with the feature [+ human] of "ga" noun phrase. In addition, there are sentences thought to be extended from typical reflexive construction among sentences with the feature [- human] of "ga" noun phrase. We examined how the concept of possession changes in these extended sentences. There are studies broadly define reflexive constriction, including "quasi-transitive sentence" and "intermediate causative sentence" in reflexive constriction. In this paper, we distinguished reflexive construction from those sentences by the semantic role of "ga" noun phrase and the possessive relation between "ga" noun phrase and "wo" noun phrase. Through these discussions, the definition of reflexive construction of Japanese was clarified and it was argued that reflexive construction of Japanese should be given as a syntactic construction.


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トルヒナ アンナ(2014)。いわゆる『再帰構文』とその限界― 他動詞のテイル形が結果残存を表すときとは―。日本語文法。14(1),20-36。
