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An exploration of communication course enhancement of student nurse interpersonal communication skills and learning satisfaction




Objective: This study explored the application of scaffolded instruction to communication courses and the effects thereof on enhancing student nurse interpersonal communication skills and learning satisfaction. The study used pre-test/post-test design; subjects were interns from a teaching hospital in eastern Taiwan. Methods: A total of 128 subjects were randomized into a control group and an experimental group. Different teaching methods were integrated. The study group took a scaffolded communication course, while the control group took a traditional communication course. Results: Based on dependent sample t test analysis, the results show with a significant difference of p < .001 that the introduction of communication courses in the two groups' curricula was helpful in increasing interpersonal communication skills and learning satisfaction. As evaluated via ANCOVA, a comparison of post-communication course integration group differences also showed a significant difference of p < .01. Conclusions: These study results are helpful in the design of clinical teachers' communication courses, which will help improve interpersonal communication skills and learning outcomes.


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