  • 學位論文


The Study of the Community Consciousness Approves by Discussion of the Public Art Create-A Case of Military Dependents Village Cultural Park of Sanchong City

指導教授 : 宋立垚


隨著時空環境變遷、公共藝術觀念、國民公共意識與生活美學素養的改變之際,公共藝術有了新的觀念。公共藝術計畫可當為社區營造的一個過程,或是將公共藝術設計畫以社區營造般的執行,讓社區居民在參與公共藝術設置過程中,以有效將社區意識凝聚與認同,讓整個過程注入更深刻的思考動力。因此本研究將先針對公共藝術、社區意識凝聚與認同相關文獻彙整,進而歸納分析之間的關係,並選定已有近五年的營造經驗的眷村文化協會所執行的「眷村開門-三重市眷村文化園區公共藝術行動」案例的調查分析,以探究公共藝術與社區意識認同之間的關係及其重要性,並探討公共藝術計畫以營造模式進行下,其民眾意識凝聚與認同之成效。 本研究發現如下:(1)有於執行者的專業背景不同,因此對於公共藝術計畫應具備的條件與效果有所差異,是應該公共為大、藝術為大還是兩者均衡,這成分比例影響了民眾的意識認同;(2)營造模式能使社區意識被重視與採納,直接影響社區對於公共藝術計畫執行與成果的認同;(3)在執行過程參與居民的多寡影響社區意識認同的程度;(4)是否有好的社區意識認同影響了議題的延續力與維護管理。整體建議:要有好社區意識認同必需從公共藝術計畫成立前開始建立,調整彼此在觀念與想法上的差異,隨這執行過程強化認同感,並在計畫結束後成為議題延續力與維護管理的力量。


公共藝術 社區意識


According to the changes of environment, concepts of public art and senses of communities, public art has developed into a new concept. Public art project can be included as a part of a community development or use it to physically and culturally develop a community. Residents are invited to participate in the project which efficiently enhances the recognition and cohesion within the community and infuses the motivations both physically and psychologically. This study firstly categorized and evaluated the relevant articles and dissertations about the cohesion, recognition and public art of communities. Then, this study focused on a case study titled “To Open the Door for Military Dependent’s Village – Public Art Action in the Military Dependent’s Village Cultural Park of SanChong City” by a five years experienced cultural association. Hence, this study investigated and analyzed the effects of the public art and its cohesion of the community. It included the relations and importance that make the uses of public art to develop the community. The discoveries in this study were: 1.the public art project’s terms and effects are differed by the administrators’ professional backgrounds. They should place the public issues or the art of the project in a higher priority or either balances both of them, in return it affects the residents’ recognition of the community; 2.the establishments of the project must refer to the opinions from the community and respect the identities of the community. The manner of the establishment directly affects the acceptance from the residents to the administration of the project and its consequences; 3.during the project’s progress, the number of the residents involved in the project affects the recognition’s level of the sense of the community; 4.the recognition of the sense of the community might affect the later continuation, maintenances and managements of the developments by the project. Overall, the suggestion is that to have a better recognition of the sense of a community, it must be established before the administration of the public art project. Hence the aim is to adjust the differences of the concepts and opinions between the residents and the administrators. By the progress of the project, the recognition of the community will be stronger. After the project is completed, this recognition continues the maintenance and managements of the project and keeps its continuation.


Public art Sense of community




