  • 學位論文


Planning a National Botanical Garden

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠 邱文良


植物園被譽為與國際接軌的重要國家文化機構之一,豐富的植物蒐集、展示與詳細的種源紀錄及科學研究內容已被全球公認為是執行生物多樣性公約的極佳場所與機構;同時也是植物基因資源與永續利用研究的恰當基地。一個現代化植物園,不僅屬於全世界,在生態危機的時代中更是生態研究的寶藏。 目前台灣主要的植物園有台北植物園、福山植物園、自然科學博物館植物園、嘉義植物園、恆春熱帶植物園、以及太麻里海岸植物園等,各植物園有其不同的任務與保存植物之目標,但唯獨缺乏一座能反應台灣植物引進與使用歷史、突顯台灣獨特性、以及具備國際一流水平之植物園;再者,台灣至今尚無兼俱展示區、標本館、種子庫、田野基因庫一體之綜合性的植物園,於是在配合整體國家新興生態城市之開發與規劃下,更應推動設置國家植物園總園之設置。 本論文嘗試以國家植物園為研究對象,以誘導式結構研究方法整合議題,透過生態永續的整體規劃角度探討植物園規劃,試著為國家植物園找尋自己的定位,並希望能作為其他植物園規劃時的參考與建議。 本研究經由文獻探討歸結出26項國家植物園規劃設計原則,於相互推論出:「生態的演藝所」、「學習生命的軌跡」、「美麗伊甸園」、「知識傳播站」、「濃縮自然的櫥窗」、「交織歷史場域」、「舒適安全的庇護地」等七個概念設計方向。經過線性推論與交互推理出「濃縮植物生態美的知識平台」之定義;再藉由定義誘導出國家植物園設計目標與空間結構要求,再以目前國家植物園沙崙預定地作為實質規劃與預期目標之評析對象,最後提出國家植物園整體規劃之建議。


Botanic gardens are considered as one of the most important modern cultural organizations by international nations. Provided with rich plant collections and exhibits, explicit record of species origins and scientific research; they are internationally recognized as ideal places and institutions for the conservation of Bio-diversity of plant species. They also serve as bases for genetic pool of various plants and to sustain future researches. The fast economic growths by developing countries are also endangering the natural environments and depleting the natural resources with rapid extinction of plant species and the break-down of our ecological system. Taiwan maybe a small island but its unique geographical conditions has many diversified environments that provide multiple bio-habitats for native plants. The mission of the botanical garden is to conserve and exhibit such plant species for perpetual research through environmental education and recreational process. The main botanical gardens in Taiwan are: Taipei Botanic Garden, Fu-San Botanic Garden, Botanic Garden of National Science Museum, Chia-Yii Garden of Trees, Hen-Chun Tropical Botanic Garden and Tai-Ma-Li Coastal Plant Botanic Garden. Each with its different mission and collection of plant species but none of them reflect the natural history and specialize in the conservation of the unique native plants of Taiwan and functions as plant exhibition, seed bank and field gene bank. In this age of ecological crisis, the establishment of a botanic and genetic garden at national level dedicated to the history, culture, study, and exhibition of documented collections of living plants is essential. This paper attempts to study the National Botanic Garden with the “Heuristic Structure integrated research methods”. The objective of this research is to examine the planning process and establish a guideline as well as mission for a national botanical garden in the future. In an effort to incorporate sustainable ecology and integrated planning into the initial planning process, this paper aims to find the positioning of the National Botanic Garden and serves as reference for the planning and developing of other botanic gardens. This study reviewed research papers in terms of the planning and design of National Botanic Garden and 26 principles can be concluded. Further mutually-inferred and systematic cross-referenced studies narrowed down into seven conceptual design directions as follows: "The Interactive Ecological Performance", "Learning from Life Loci", "Beautiful Garden of Eden," "Knowledge Dissemination Stations", and "Capsule Showcase of Nature ", "Intertwined Historical Scenarios", “Comfortable Shelter". Another linear and interactive reasoning inference used to analyze those directions generalizes a definition of "a knowledge platform of enriched plant ecology". In line with the definition, the design objectives of the National Botanic Garden as well as the structure of space requirements have been induced by the National Botanic Garden design objectives and the structure of space requirements, and finally the study uses the present site for the National Botanic Garden Shenandoah, Beazer as a real planning and targets, and suggestion of overall planning of the national botanical garden is proposed.


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