  • 學位論文


Case Study for Improving lower back Stress on warehouse Tasks

指導教授 : 游志雲


本研究的目的在於評估三個庫房作業,晶圓搬運、成品出貨及貨櫃裝填的下腰部負荷並提出改善方案。勞工因為搬運抬舉所引起的下腰部傷害的問題相當普遍,造成下腰部傷害主要的成因有工作姿勢不良、施力負荷過大及重複性施力等。針對這三個成因,本研究由實地了解工作現況著手,以OWAS及NIOSH1994來評估下腰部負荷的程度,瞭解問題之成因,再針對問題之成因,提出改善方案,最後再評估改善案的效益。 就改善前的現況,OWAS的分析顯示,這三個作業工作均有潛在的肌肉骨骼危害:OWAS介於AC1(沒有危害) 與AC3(有顯著危害)之間,但是沒有AC4(立即的危害);NIOSH1994分析顯示,抬舉係數(lifting index, LI)介於1.3到3.0之間,有潛在危害,應加以改善。針對這些危害,本研究提出的改善構想,針對晶圓搬運是增加升降裝置及蝴蝶籠設計;成品出貨增設60公分作業平台;貨櫃裝填提供傾斜架,其共通的目的在於使作業員得以採行自然且省力的挺立站姿工作,以降低因為不良工作姿勢所引起的下腰部負荷。 改善結果顯示晶圓搬運的OWAS由AC1及AC2進步為AC1與AC1,NIOSH1994的LI由1.5與1.8進步為1.3及0.6;成品出貨OWAS由AC2及AC1進步為AC1與AC1,NIOSH1994的LI由2.0與1.3進步為0.9及0.9;貨櫃裝填作業經過改善可以省掉一個作業員,OWAS由AC3及AC3均進步為AC1,NIOSH1994的LI由2.4與3.0進步 1.0。整體而言,在簡單、低成本的改善下,下腰部的負荷有效的降低,這是個具有良好成效的改善案例,值得推廣。 關鍵字:下腰部負荷、OWAS、NIOSH1994


下腰部負荷 OWAS NIOSH1994


Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the lower back stress of three warehouse tasks, wafer transferring, product shipping, and container loading, and then propose improvement intervention. Wok-related musculoskeletal disorder is significant occupational problem, it main causes are awkward wotking posture, over-exertion, and repetitive motion. Toward these three causes, this study begins with the the understanding of current working situation, and base on current working situation, analyzing OWAS posture analysis and NIOSH 1994 lifting guide to coin out the contributing problem, then proposing improvement intervention, finally evaluation its cost-effectiveness. Based on current working situation, OWAS analysis shows that these three tasks all have WMDS hazards, they range between AC1 (no hazard) and AC3 (potential hazard), but none of them are AC4 (prominent hazard): NIOSH 1994 lifting guide analysis shows that lifting index (LI) range between 1.3 and 3.0, there are potential hazard and need improvement. Toward these hazard problems, this study proposes improvement intervention: for wafer transferring, a lifting device and butterfly barrier are provided; for product shipping, a 60 cm high working surface is added; for container loading, a tilter is facilitated, the common purpose of these interventions are to induce the workers to adopt a natural and energy-saving erect standing posture to lessen the stress on the lower back due to awkward posture. The result of improvement intervention shows that OWAS analysis for wafer transferring improves from AC1 and AC2 to AC1 and AC1, and NIOSH1994 analysis improves from LI of 1.5 and 1.8 to 1.3 and 0.6; OWAS for product shipping improves from AC2 and AC1 to AC1 and AC1, and NIOSH1994 improves from LI of 2.0 and 1.3 to 0.9 and 0.9; the intervention for container loading one of the two workers can be reduced, OWAS analysis of the improved task improves from AC3 and AC3 to AC1, no hazard, and NIOSH1994 improves from LI of 2.4 and 3.0 to 1.0. In summary, with simple and low cost intervention, the lower back stress can be effectively reduced, these improvement intervention case study are cost-effective, it promotion will be worthwhile. Keywords:lower back stress、OWAS、NIOSH1994


Lower back stress


[16]劉永福,以機能工作姿勢觀點進行麵包工廠之工作場所改善,新竹市: 清華大學,碩士論文,民國96年。


