  • 學位論文


A Study of the Genius Loci in Taiwanese Modern Paintings

指導教授 : 陳其澎


摘 要 台灣自一九○○年之後的一個世紀中,經日治時期、國民政府時期,至八○年代解嚴之後,台灣社會走向多元文化,這一百年來當然有許多生於斯、長於斯的本土畫家,他們描繪並見證台灣這一百來的轉換過程,不少的畫作在各項展覽中被發表,被印成畫冊。本研究從現有的文獻資料中,對台灣繪畫的景觀現象、表現精神及其張力觀點著手,探討畫作中在圖像文字上所呈現的意涵。從各種圖式與文字上去捕捉常民生活中的故事,具體呈現台灣生活社會內各自所具有的樣式與精神,顯現景觀現象的本質,在繪畫表現與文化背景內探討場所精神的內涵。 「場所」一詞是在1976年由瑞福(E .Relph)引進「環境」的研究,一直到1980年經由舒茲(C.Norberg-Schulz)擴大解釋,並引用到建築界進而提出「場所精神」之理論,近代建築師與都市規劃師在建構建築空間與城市空間時謂之構圖(Composition)是理所當然,而建築師在建構建築空間之餘,仍要塑造「場所精神」是否能夠獨立完成,仍待證明,但是追隨者依然是風起雲湧!針對這股風潮為筆者深感興趣之所在,根據Norberg-Schulz之理論以本土畫作來探討台灣的場所精神。 本土繪畫中有許多以寫生的方式做畫,畫家親身體驗與生存環境的關係,並感受與社會文化相通的情懷,逐漸孕育繪畫藝術的靈感而從事創作,台灣各地區的景觀自然成為描繪主題。這些繪畫正符合列斐伏爾(H.Lefebver)所論述空間產製的「表徵空間」,也就是屬於生活經歷層面而創作出來的空間,對於研究台灣的場所精神甚具參考價值,本論文即依據此種研究動機來撰寫,收集台灣具代表性的畫作及當代藝術評論為研究文本,根據其中所收集之有關描繪各地區之地景、空間為題材的繪畫為研究案例,並依場所精神所應具備的條件,以現象學的觀點,將台灣的景觀以及城市形態作分類,並詮釋其中所隱涵的空間意義,不僅探求畫中所表達的意涵,更透過繪畫來引申台灣場所精神之所在。


空間 本土繪畫 場所精神 景觀


Abstract In the past hundred years from 1900 Taiwan has passed through the periods of Japanese Ruling, Nationalist Government. Since lifting of curfew 1990‘s, Taiwan went to a diversified culture society. There had been many local painters born and lived here, whose works depicted and witnessed the transformation in the 100-year, and many of their works had been exhibited and printed into albums. This research investigates the context expressed by the graphic words in the painting works through the scenic phenomenon in the painting, the spirit and the tensile, and tried to catch the stories of commons in the art forms, words, and to find the genius loci content of the cultural background and the painting demonstration. The term “Loci” was introduced into study of environment by E. Relph in 1976, and it was expanded by C. Norberg-Schulz in 1980 and was referred into architecture field and presented a theory of Genius Loci. In constructing building space and urban space, it is natural for modern architects and urban planners call it as the “ Composition”. Other than construct the Composition, whether the architect can still build genius loci independently or not is still to be proved. However, followers are still lining up. This is what the writer has great interest in, to investigate the genius loci of Taiwan in the local painting works basis theory of Norberg-Schulz. Many of the paintings are in sketches. Painters experienced in person the relationship with the living environment and feel the sensation over the social culture and were aspired to create in painting arts. The landscapes all over Taiwan are naturally the subjects of paintings. These paintings exactly match with H. Lefebver‘s Demonstration Space produced by space, and is the space created from living experience. It is valuable in the study of genius loci of Taiwan. This paper is written based on such motives of research, representing the paintings and contemporary which critics have collected and used as the basis for this research. The landscapes, and the space of various locations of Taiwan are the subjects of case study. The conditions required in genius loci, are the viewpoints of phenomenon theory that are used to classify the types of landscapes, cities and to interpret the space significance implied. It is not only to study the implication expressed in the painting, but also derive the genius loci of Taiwan through paintings.


landscapes space genius loci. local painters


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