  • 學位論文


An Action Research on the Cooperation of the Regular Teacher and the Special Education Teacher in Adapting English Curriculum

指導教授 : 康雅淑


本研究基於融合教育課程調整的理念,探討一位普通班教師與一位特教教師以國中英語課程為核心的合作歷程,針對兩位身心障礙國中學生在普通班學習英語所遇到的問題進行課程調整及策略介入。研究者透過觀察、訪談、省思札記等資料了解兩位身心障礙學生在整個研究歷程的學習表現和改變,以及兩位教師對合作歷程的看法及其專業成長。本研究以行動研究的方式進行,研究結果如下: (一) 普教與特教教師針對身心障礙學生於普通班英語學習的課程調整階段有三,包括「茫然的摸索期」、「漸進的調整期」及「嶄新的合作期」。過程中二位教師從摸索到團隊合作,共同協助身心障礙學生在普通班學習更順利,亦落實融合教育精神。 (二) 在合作的歷程中遇到的問題,包括了學生學習動機不足、課程難度太高以至於調整不易、課程調整耗費時間、無法兼顧所有學生需求、紙筆測驗評量方式不適合及教學設備缺乏等。 (三) 針對問題,所採取的策略包括與學生進行個別獎勵制度的約定、於輔導課加強學習動機、同儕協助、教師團隊合作設計課程、調整評量方式及改善教學設備等。 (四) 整體來說,課程調整對身心障礙學生在普通班的學習態度和動機有正向的影響,但對其學習成績則無明顯成效。 (五) 二位教師對共同合作進行課程調整都抱持正向想法,亦表示透過這樣的歷程,其專業有所成長。


This action research was to study the cooperation of the regular teacher and the special education teacher in adapting English curriculum, in order to help two junior-high school students with special needs learn better in an inclusive class. It stated the problems the students had in learning English, and conceived the strategies to solve problems as well. Data collected mainly from observation, interviews and reflection notes, and the main findings were as follows: 1. The cooperation of the regular teacher and the special education teacher in adapting English curriculum included 3 stages: the stage of exploration, the stage of adaptation, and the stage of new. Through the process, 2 teachers did help students with special needs learn better in an inclusive class. 2. Students’ problems about learning English in an inclusive class included lack of motivation, the lessons were too hard to meet students’ needs, adapting curriculum need more time, and lack of teaching equipment. 3. Strategies regarding adapting English curriculum to meet students’ needs included behavior contract, reinforcement, peer-helping, teachers working as a team to adapt curriculum, and renewing teaching equipment. 4. Overall, adapting curriculum to meet the needs of students with disabilities did increase students’ motivation, and students also had better attitude in learning English; however, it did not help much in their grades. 5. Both 2 teachers had positive feedback regarding adapting curriculum together to meet students’ needs and help them learn better, and felt self-growth as well.


楊育芬 (1998) 。技職生英文生字解讀過程研究。 國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,NSC87-2411-H224-003。
