  • 學位論文


Case study of Life Goal Change in Counseling Process with Hermeneutics analysis

指導教授 : 金樹人


本研究以「人生目標在諮商中改變歷程之個案詮釋研究」為題,研究目的是:1.了解社會文化脈絡如何形塑人生目標;2.探討以人生目標諮商為主訴的諮商工作,其諮商介入的方法與特徵;3.人生目標的解構與建構過程,含「離」開的過程,和「建」立的過程;4.探討人生目標經由敘說和詮釋,而現身的本質與特性;5.釐清人生目標經由敘說文本的詮釋歷程與步驟之重點。 協同研究者是37歲,女性,她是從五個管道的19位人選中,選出其中兩位進行試探性研究之後,決定其中之一作為協同研究者。 研究方法是採用Van Kamm的分析步驟,撰寫過程並融入詮釋學的視角。 研究結果,共有五項結論: 一、一個人在活出自己的目標之前,有必要發展出一種眼界,先去看她所活的世界如何形塑了她自己。經由她的故事敘說,她帶我們看見家庭體制中的婆媳關係、夫妻關係、長女角色,以及工作中的教師角色期待,成績掛帥的價值觀,形成了當時的她。使她經常覺得她是「為別人活」、「沒有為自己」,或是有一種「我覺得活得很不自在」的感慨。 二、以人生目標諮商為主訴的諮商工作,其諮商介入必須強調在諮商對話中開展當事人在原來世界的視野,增加對人生目標的重寫與異化。注重諮商關係結構中權力轉換的平行過程之治療意含,使人生目標的建立由依附社會價值轉化為自我指引。敏察於諮商師自身背景與經驗如何對當事人產生作用,當事人對諮商師的投射認同是人生目標諮商的介入管道。 三、人生目標的解構與建構過程,含「離」開的過程,和「建」立的過程。敘說者的「離」都來自給她束縛感的日常生活事件,諮商師必須把敘說者用各種「離」的敘說形式,診斷為那是她在跟使她活成那樣的世界告別。諮商介入是協助她完成「離」的行動,「離」是建立她的人生目標的必經歷程。 四、本研究發現人生目標的「建」立過程,是經由對同一事件、同一角色或同一情境,逐漸發展出不同的視框轉變,這種轉變是由貼近體制價值中的視框,轉成貼近自己的價值自主的視框。而敘事結構也是從受制階段,轉為反制階段,再轉為重寫階段的敘說。這同時使人生目標的本質與特性現身,也就是如願才是好的人生目標,從自己的過去才能找到自己的未來。 五、人生目標經由敘說文本的詮釋歷程與步驟,有五個重點:1.一開始的資料就要完整;2. 「歸納意義單位」的主題摘記,非常重要,有如私藏的地圖;3.「核心主題」可以多試幾種不同的版本,再做調整、合併或剪輯;4.一定要不斷的回頭去看文本資料,以確保全是的分析的可信度;5.以協同研究者的敘說為現象優先,在協同研究者的敘說背景中雕琢主題,讓文本敘說的結構或脈絡自己顯現出來,享受發現的過程。


The purpose of this study are: 1.To realize how social cultural constructions influences the life goal; 2.To find out the methods of counseling intervention that chief complain of counseling was life goal setting; 3. To clarify the process of life goal destructiveness and constructiveness, both of “apart from ”and “built up” process; 4. To explore the character of life goal come from the texts of narrative story; 5. To clarify the hermeneutics analysis method of life goal. The study method is come from Van Kamm’s hermeneutics analysis model. The study outcomes are integrated to five points. First , We realize from her story that we have to develop a frame of view to see how the social context influences us before the goal setting. She feel been controlled by family system. She has been taught as a ‘good girl’ from childhood. She was always caring about others. She can’t live freedom from the social expectation. She did not live for herself. Second, The focus of counseling is increase client’s self-awareness. Aware about how the environmental factors interact with her life goal setting. The structure of the counseling relationship is the power transition process. Let the client hold the key to changing for her. That’s a parallel process for the client from dependent to independent in the counseling and life goal setting. The counselor has to collect all the projections from the client to identify her wishes and goals. Third, the processes of life goal destructiveness and constructiveness have two components that are “apart from ”and “built up”. The counselor must diagnosis how she is saying goodbye to the world made her live like that. She has to “apart from ” the situation that stuck her. Then she can “built up” the new goal for her. Fourth, Reframing is the way to “build up” the life goal. She is going through telling the same story with difference point of view. Moving the focus from others to self; from the social value to inner direction. The structure of the narrative process are under-control to anti-control till de-control. The de-control stage is rewriting story stage also. Fifth, the hermeneutics analysis of life goal will be address with five conclusions. 1. The text must be complete.2. Clustering the invariant horizons is very important step. It’s like a map to a traveler.3. It’s can be develop several themes first when thematizing the text. Then we come to reorganize or resetting.4.We have to go back and check the original text again and again on the analysis process.5.Let the client tell the truth by her. Never ever put a model to the text with the schema of researcher. The researcher should enjoy the exciting of discovery.




劉以慧(2005)。女性創業歷程及成人教育輔佐機制研究──青輔會飛雁專案的個案 研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200714273983
