  • 學位論文


Study on the Saving Obligation of Financial Holding Company: Focusing on Article 56 of Financial Holding Company Act.

指導教授 : 陳彥良


本文是以金融控股公司之救助義務為研究中心,透過大量之國外以及我國相關文獻之蒐集與彙整,比較、分析外國法制規範上之態樣,進而作為我國法既定規定之檢討依歸,並進一步解構分析我國法制度上之規定,而供作未來我國法規修正改進之參考借鏡,且從中提出具體之修正建議。 本文結構,第一章部分為緒論,闡釋本文之研究動機、研究目的以及研究方法等。第二章為金融機構跨業經營之結合模式與我國現況,主要是因救助義務制度之研究,係在金融控股公司體制下探討控 股公司與子公司之間的權利義務關係,因此正式進入研究該制度之前,勢必應對於金融控股公司之組織架構有所理解。又金融控股公司實際上是金融機構跨業經營之結合模式之一,故在第二章部分,即 針對各種金融機構跨業經營方式為研究,而進一步針對金融控股公司之整體規範為分析闡釋之。第三章正式進入金融控股公司之救助義務研究,以各種角度檢視救助義務之規範與其據以支持及反對的論理基礎,從中探討及分析究竟該制度之規範,是否有其存在的必要性,而其所據以存在之法規範上的正當性又是為何。第四章則是闡釋美國法上有關本制度之規範內涵,研究美國法上針對涉及實力來源制度之規定,瞭解其中制度之演進趨勢、改革方向以及規範重點等,以作為後續第五章,就我國金融控股公司法第56條規定之制度設計、規範方式,由立法目的、發動要件乃至違反效果等面向之解構與分析後,成為我國金融控股公司救助義務規定之改正、檢討依歸。第六章結論,則是總結本文之研究,為我國金融控股公司法第56條規定,金融控股公司救助義務制度之規範,提出具體未來可能的改進方向以及修正建議。


The study is focusing on the saving obligation of financial holding company. Through a great amount of American and Taiwanese academic books, journal articles, research papers and dissertations investigating to understand how the saving obligation work on. Furthermore, by analyzing and comparing the legislation on saving obligation of financial holding company in the U.S. that could learn some lore to serve as guidelines for the improvement of article 56 of Financial Holding Company Act in our country in the future. The study is divided into six chapters. Starting from introduce the incentive, methodology and scope of the thesis. Then interpreting the financial institutions cross-business organization models in chapter 2, in order to understanding the structure of financial holding company. After that, chapter 3 summarize the reasons why and how of the saving obligation rising. And laying out the theoretical foundations of both support and disagree sides toward the saving obligation. The following chapter 4 then research and analyze the legislation on “source of strength” in the U.S. From Bank Holding Company Act in 1956 to Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, there are some important Acts that referred to the source of strength doctrine, which is the predecessor that was succeeded by the saving obligation. Chapter 5 is reviewing the article 56 of Financial Holding Company Act in Taiwan. Deconstructing the provision, then discussing the difficulties and legal doubts may occur that apply to the current regulation. Finally, integrating the study and making up a conclusion in chapter 6. According to the research results in the study, the dissertation presents the suggestions and advices for improving article 56 of Financial Holding Company Act in Taiwan. Hopefully the financial supervision and governance, particular in financial holding company in Taiwan could benefit therefrom.


