  • 學位論文


A study of an intervention of the circuit exercise training to promote health-related physical fitness and quality of life for the people with metabolic syndrome

指導教授 : 林晉榮教授


本研究主要在探討12週環狀運動訓練介入對代謝症候群患者健康體適能與生活品質之影響。受試者以嘉義某醫院家庭醫學科提供判定之121位代謝症候群患者為本研究受試者 (年齡 : 56.06±13.69歲、身高 : 160.34±8.07公分、體重 : 68.70±12.19公斤) ,本研究採立意取樣,分成運動組86名和對照組35名,運動組以環狀運動訓練介入,為期12週、每週3次、每次60分鐘的環狀運動訓練模式,對照組則無。所得資料經由描述統計、t檢定以及多元迴歸等統計分析,本研究結果如下所示 : 一、代謝症候群患者之人口背景變項以中高年齡層居多(70.2%),教育程度平均分布(各30%),無職業者佔56%,已婚者佔80%,與配偶和子女同住者佔50%,領取薪水者最多(33.9%),信仰佛教者居多(45.5%),60%有運動習慣、50%有午睡習慣,57%有喝茶習慣,30%有喝咖啡,喝酒(7.4%)、抽菸(9.1%)、嚼檳榔較少(3.3%),吃素者10%,使用藥物者佔47%,睡眠時間5-7小時者居多(57.9%)。 二、12週環狀運動訓練介入對代謝症候群患者之健康體適能部分:身體組成、心肺適能、肌肉適能、爆發力、敏捷性、反應能力、平衡性以及柔軟度皆有顯著進步。無喝咖啡、有運動習慣、睡眠5-7小時、高教育程度、66歲以下、與配偶和子女住、有午睡習慣者,經過12週訓練後其體適能各項目皆有明顯進步。 三、12週環狀運動訓練介入代謝症候群患者之生活品質部分:生理功能、一般健康狀況、活力狀況、因情緒問題所導致的角色限制、心理面向等分數皆顯著進步。有喝咖啡習慣、有運動習慣、睡眠時間5-7小時、高教育程度、66-80歲、與配偶住者、有午睡習慣者,運動訓練過後等項目呈現明顯進步。 四、12週環狀運動訓練介入代謝症候群患者之健康體適能與生活品質之關係,經過多元迴歸分析未發現有明顯相關存在。 關鍵字 :環狀運動訓練、健康體適能、生活品質、代謝症候群。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of intervention of 12-weeks circuit exercise training on the health-related physical fitness and quality of life for the people with metabolic syndrome. The subjects were recruited by 121 patients with metabolic syndrome (age : 56.06 ± 13.69 years, height : 160.34 ± 8.07 cm, weight : 68.70 ± 12.19 kg) from the sports medicine center of the example of the hospital at Chia-Yi county. This study was applied by purposive sampling and divided to the experimental group (n = 86) and control group (n = 35). The experimental group had treated by 12 weeks circuit exercise training, 60 minutes per day, three days a week. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were found as follow : 1. In terms of demographic variables of the patients with metabolic Syndrome, most of subjects(70.2%) belonged to the elderly and higher, education level distribution of average(30%), unemployed 56%, married persons 80%, live with spouses and children 50%, gained wage mostly 33.9% , Buddhism religion mostly 45.5%, doing exercise behavior 60%, taking a nap 50%, drinking tea behavior 57%, drinking coffee behavior 30%, the few subject alcohol abuse(7.4%), smoking(9.1%), chewing betel nut(3.3%), vegetarian 10%, drug use 47%, the sleep time of most subject(57.9%) was 5-7 hours. 2. Regarding of the health-related physical fitness after 12-weeks circuit exercise training: there were an obvious improvement among body composition, cardiovascular, muscle strength, power, agility, reaction time, balance and flexibility. According to demography variables, the health-related physical fitness was made apparently progress. For example, the groups of non-drinking coffee, doing exercise behavior, sleep time 5-7 hours, higher education, under 66 years old, living with a spouse and children, taking a nap. 3. Regarding of the quality of life after 12-weeks circuit exercise training: it was a significant improvement included physical function(PF), general health(GH), vitality( VT), role emotional(RE), and mental component summary (MCS). Based on demography variables, the quality of life was made obviously progress. For example, the groups were included non-drinking coffee, doing exercise behavior, sleep time 5-7 hours, higher education, age between 66-80 years old, living with a spouse, taking a nap. 4. There was no significant correlation between health-related physical fitness and quality of life via the intervention of 12 weeks circuit exercise training, which was analyzed by multiple regression. Key words: circuit exercise training, health-related physical fitness, quality of life, metabolic syndrome


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