  • 學位論文


The Interactive Models between Real Essence and Non-Essence Values for Industrial Cultural Heritage Revitalization-Study of Sugar Industry Cultural Heritage Revitalization in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許國威


「產業文化資產」(Industry Cultural Heritage)隨著經濟體制的運行,已超越原有的產業禁錮,成為地方經濟最重要的活化策略,並作為「文化財」(Cultural Goods)、「公共財」(Public Goods)以及「優質財」(Merit Goods)之表徵。因缺乏對產業文化資產內涵與再利用價值作完整詮釋下,致使臺灣產業文化資產再利用之操作淪為單純之空間再生操作,進以可能產生二度閒置現象。考量產業文化資產價值仍屬於模糊的概念,故透過文獻回顧與模糊德爾菲方法廣泛收集不同領域專家意見,以建構產業文化資產再利用實質與非實質價值的指標集,並藉由國外個案進行歸納,以驗證產業文化資產再利用的正當性,進而以臺灣糖業的個案為例,探究臺灣糖業文化資產再利用於產業地景及創新體驗二個向度之互動關係,結果顯示,目前互動關係之建構主要於景觀建築對休閒遊憩、景觀建築對文化活動,以及產業認同對休閒遊憩三大價值之展現,歸咎原因在於其以具文化價值之景觀建築,再利用為休閒遊憩體驗之主體,為休閒遊憩價值注入創新體驗之多元性,並以糖業文化的「在地化」與「歷史性」,透過休閒遊憩價值的實踐,創造屬於眾人的公共財,並透過景觀建築所隱喻之歷史性,建構歷史衍生性的文化活動,以承載過去地方及歷史記憶價值。然而長久而言,需積極建構完善的產業環境教育學習體驗場域、產業文化權與詮釋權之特殊性以及具「文化創新」潤飾的產業文化活動模式,將有助於臺灣產業文化資產再利用永續發展,並得以作為地方經濟發展的動力基礎。


With the operation of economic system, “Industry Cultural Heritage” has broken the original industrial boundary and become the most important strategy activating local economy. Moreover, it has been regarded as the representative of “cultural goods,” “public goods,” and “merit goods.” Because the meaning and reuse value of industry cultural heritage have never been fully interpreted, the reuse of industry cultural heritage in Taiwan becomes the simple operation of space regeneration, which may cause second waste of resources. Because the concept of the value of industry cultural heritage is still unclear, this study used literature review and Fuzzy Delphi Method to comprehensively collect comments from experts in various fields, in order to construct the index set for substantial and insubstantial values of reuse of industry cultural heritage. Moreover, this study summarized the case studies abroad to verify the legitimacy of reuse of industry cultural heritage. This study took the sugar industry in Taiwan as an example to investigate the correlation between the reuse of cultural heritage of sugar industry in Taiwan and two aspects, industrial landscape and innovative experience. The results showed that the correlations were mainly established based on three major relationships: the relationship between landscape architecture and leisure and recreation, that between landscape architecture and cultural activities, and that between industrial identity and leisure and recreation. The reason was that the landscape architecture with cultural values could be reused as the theme of leisure and creation to increase the diversity of innovative experience in the value of leisure and recreation. The “local” and “historical” characteristics of culture of sugar industry could be transformed into public goods through the implementation of value of leisure and recreation. In addition, the past local and historical memories and values could be inherited through the historical characteristics hidden in landscape architecture and the construction of cultural activities derived from history. However, in the long run, it is necessary to establish a complete industrial environment for education and learning. The uniqueness of cultural right and right to interpret of industries and the industrial cultural activity model modified by “cultural innovation” will be beneficial to the reuse and sustainable development of industry cultural heritage in Taiwan, and can be regarded as the basis for local economic development.




