  • 學位論文


A Study on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Public Preschool Educare Givers

指導教授 : 李宜娟


本研究旨在探討公立幼兒園教保員工作之壓力、工作滿意現況及離職因素,並比較初任與轉任公立幼兒園教保員之工作滿意情形。 本研究為質性研究取向,為達研究目的,研究者在Facebook上共2489位成員組成的「教保合作社」社團提問,並蒐集有意願參與本研究之30位教保員發文之意見;另外個別訪談10位公立幼兒園教保員成員以深入瞭解其壓力與工作滿意情形。 主要的研究工具為研究者本身以及訪談大綱。研究結論如下: 一、公立幼兒園教保員的工作壓力主要可歸納為人際關係,工作權益、教學工作的分配、工作考核與薪資福利等幾種類型。其壓力源自於教保員與幼兒園中的地位以及法規未明確確定教保員的工作職責,而由各幼兒園視其園方所需制定教保員的工作內容,導致教保員的工作備感壓力。 二、初任與轉任公立幼兒園之教保員在人際關係的滿意現況呈現不一致的結果;轉任之教保員較不滿意自身在幼兒園的人際關係,初任之教保員雖然也不滿意,但因初投入職場較容易釋懷。在工作權益的滿意現況,不論是初任或是轉任的教保員皆不滿意,尤其在定位問題,教保員期望主管機關能明確地給予教保員有一致性的定位。 在課程與教學工作分配的滿意現況,初任與轉任的結果呈現差異不大,但與服務的班級型態有關。不管初任或是轉任之教保員在課程與教學工作分配皆呈現不滿意結果,特別是進入班級教學的教保員,教學工作以及清掃工作幾乎全都落在教保員身上,面對工作分配不均而感到不滿意。 幼兒園教保員在工作考核的滿意現況,初任與轉任的結果呈現一致的不滿意,尤其在考核小組成員的產生感到不滿意。幼兒園教保員在薪資福利待遇的滿意現況,初任與轉任對於薪資感到滿意但對於薪資發放與其他福利待遇感到不滿意。 三、公立幼兒園之教保員之離職因素主要來自公立幼兒園中教保員的工作壓力過大,以及教保員於工作分配不均而萌生離職決定,備取人員因通知報到的時間點無法就任而放棄也是原因之一。 最後根據本研究的發現提出建議。


This study aimed to investigate the childhood educators’ job stress, job satisfaction at the current situation and their resigning factors at the public preschool. The researcher also compared the job satisfaction at work of the novice and the teachers transferred from private preschool. This study is a qualitatively orientated research. To achieve the purpose on the research, the researcher did a questionnaire and collected the posting opinions of 30 members on the Facebook of “Childhood Educator Cooperatives’ association “with a total of 2489 members at present. The researcher also interviewed 10 childhood educators to understand deeply on their current job stress and job satisfaction. The main researching tool is the researcher itself as well as the interview outline. Conclusions are as follows: Childhood educators’ job stress in public preschool can be summarized as relationships, work rights and benefit, teaching job arrangement, job evaluation, salary and fringe benefits. Firstly, pressure mainly on the unclear position at the preschool and the job duties which have not been clarified on the laws and regulations. Most of the childhood educators work under the condition with duties assign by each individual preschool with different needs, resulting heavy pressure during the working hours. Next, the research showed an inconsistent difference from the novice and transferred teachers’ current satisfaction on relationships. Transferred teachers are more dissatisfied with their own relationship in the preschool. Although novice teachers are not fully satisfied, but easier to let go of the situation. Under the status of work rights and benefit both novice and transferred teachers are dissatisfied, especially on the positioning problem. Childhood educators expect the competent authority to give a clearly consistency position in every preschool. Then, of the curriculum and teaching assignments on the satisfaction status, novice and transferred teachers are showed an insignificant difference on the result. Mostly concerned on the types of the serving class. Whether novice or transferred teachers are showed an unsatisfied result on the curriculum and teaching assignment arrangnment. Teaching at the current class, childhood educators have to take over all the teaching and cleaning work. Facing to the uneven assignment arrangement, childhood educators feel dissatisfied with this situation. No only on the job arrangement but also showed a consistent dissatisfied on the job evaluation with the current satisfaction status. The discontent showed mostly on the assessment team members. On the other side, novice and transferred teachers are pleased with the salary but for payroll and other fringe benefits are not quite satisfied. Lastly, the main factors of resigning are on the heavy pressure and the uneven assignment arrangement. The childhood educators on the waiting list who gave up on report in for duty are caused by the difficulty of report time point. Finally, some suggestion based on the findings of this study are presented.




