  • 學位論文


The Correlation between Leisure Activity Types and Sense of Well-being of Elementary School Teachers in Taichung City

指導教授 : 林宣宏


本研究旨在探討臺中市國小教師休閒活動類型及幸福感的現況及相關性,並比較不同背景變項之國小教師在參與休閒活動類型及幸福感的差異性。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺中市之公立國民小學教師為對象,採等機率比率分配(PPS)抽樣方法,調查期間,共發出問卷464份,回收有效問卷376 份,有效問卷率達81%。研究工具是研究者自編的「國小教師休閒活動類型量表」及「幸福感量表」,所得資料依研究目的及驗證假設之需,以t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後比較、結構方程式、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行資料處理及分析,獲得下列之結果:(一)國小教師在休閒活動的參與頻率上屬中等偏高程度;(二)國小教師的幸福感就整體而言屬中等偏高程度;(三)國小教師在參與休閒活動類型上會受背景變項之影響,如性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、自覺健康狀況及自覺幸福感受等;(四)國小教師的幸福感僅受「自覺健康狀況」與「自覺幸福感受」兩背景變項之影響;(五)國小教師參與休閒活動類型與幸福感具正向關係,以「運動健身類」與「身心健康」的相關性最高。


The study was to explore the correlation between leisure activity types and sense of well-being of elementary school teachers in Taichung City. In addition, the variables of teachers’ background on leisure activity types and sense of well-being were examined. The questionnaire was administered to elementary school teachers who were selected in PPS (Probability Proportional to Size) sampling. The researcher sent out 464 questionnaires with 376 returned. The validity rate was 81%. The instruments employed in this study included self-designed Leisure Activity Type Scale and Sense of Well-being Scale. In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the research, the collected data were analyzed by t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s Post-hoc Comparison, Structural Equation Model, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results were as follows. 1.The elementary school teachers participated in leisure activities in medium-high frequency. 2.The overall sense of well-being felt by the elementary school teachers reached medium-high level. 3.The variables of teachers’ background, such as gender, age, marital status, self-perceived health and self-perceived sense of well-being, affected the choice of leisure activities for teachers. 4.The sense of well-being of teachers showed difference in two variables, self-perceived health and self-perceived sense of well-being. 5.There was a positive relation between leisure activity types and sense of well-being, in which Sports and Fitness and Physical and Mental Health showed the highest relation.


吳水丕、呂佩珊(民100)。大台北地區國小教師休閒參與與身心健康之關係研究。工作與休閒學刊,2(2),123-124 。
