  • 學位論文


A Study of Teenage Players Engaged in Baseketball Specializatin and Physical Fitness

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


就一般的社會大眾來說,運動的功能對促進個人的健康,提升生活品質有積極的作用,而對於發育成長中的青少年來說,運動對身體的成長不僅僅有明顯的幫助,更是對於成人後的健康也有潛在的影響作用,而根據統計青少年最喜愛的休閒運動是籃球運動。但針對籃球運動的相關研究大多以運動員本身體能、技巧或賽時戰術的運用為主,比較缺乏一般青少年籃球運動參與者之相關研究,所以本研究以籃球運動參與者為主要研究對象,並利用體適能及受訪青少年參與籃球專業化程度為研究指標,探討受訪青少年參與受訪青少年參與籃球運動專業化程度與其體適能表現之關係。本研採自填式問卷調查法,體適能資料取自2011年受訪青少年的體適能資料。調查時間自2011年2月起至3月止,共發出520份問卷,有效問卷415份,有效問卷率為79.8%,本研究結果如下: 1. 受訪青少年參與籃球運動專業化程度以新手的比例最高(佔34.9%)、其次依序為初階(佔33.0%)、中階(佔25.3%),而以非常專業之籃球運動受訪青少年為最少(佔2.4%)。 2. 受訪青少的性別會影響其參與籃球運動專業化程度,而其年齡、身高、體重不會影響其參與籃球運動專業化程度。 3. 受訪青少年參與籃球運動專業化程度會增進其「立定跳遠」、「仰臥起坐」、「心肺適能」等體適能表現。 四、參與籃球運動受訪青少年基本資料與其體適能表現之關係 (一)受訪青少年「性別」會影響其「體前彎」、「立定跳遠」、「仰臥起坐」、「心肺適能」之體適能表現。 (二)受訪青少年「身高」越高,其「體前彎」表現越差 (三)受訪青少年「體重」越重,其「心肺適能」表現越好。 五、受訪青少年參與籃球運動專業化程度與其參與動機之關係 (一)「鍛鍊身體、促進身體健康」、「維持良好的體能狀態」與「放鬆心情」為受訪青少年前三名之籃球運動參與動機。 (二)受訪青少年之籃球運動參與動機會部份影響其專業化程度。 六、受訪青少年參與籃球運動專業化程度與其參與阻礙之關係 (一)「沒有多餘時間」、「課業或工作繁重」與「本身技能不佳」為受訪青少年前三名之籃球運動參與阻礙。 (二)受訪青少年之籃球運動參與阻礙會影響參與籃球運動專業化程度。 由研究結果可讓我們有充分理由,來建議相關政府單位未來能更積極推廣籃球運動,以增進國人之健康。


For the publics, exercise can promote people’s health and improve their quality of life. For teenagers, exercises do not only help teenagers to glow up better, but also influence their potential health with increasing of their ages. Basketball is teenager’s most popular exercise, and also is qualified to help teenagers to grow up. Most basketball researches were related to the athletes’ physical fitness, skill, or when the tactical use of race-based. Less research was related to the basketball specialization. The purpose of this research was to study the health effects of basketball specialization by physical fitness. Five hundred and twenty people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Four hundred and fifteen valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 79.8 %. The surveys were conducted during the period of February to March 2011. The results of this study were the followings: 1. Most surveyed basketball players were assessed as the primary level of specializations; the percentage was 34.9%; 33.0%, 25.3% and 2.4% of the surveyed ones were graded as the new level, the middle level, and the highest level of specialization, separately. 2. The surveyed teenage players’ genders influence their basketball specialization, but were not influenced by their ages, heights or weights. 3. The higher degrees of the surveyed basketball players’ specializations were the better performances of their standing long jumps sit-ups exercises, cardiopulmonary fitness. 4. The relationship between the demographic data of surveyed teenage players and their physical fitness (1) The surveyed teenage players’ genders influenced their set and reach, standing long jumps, sit-ups exercises, and cardiopulmonary fitness. (2). The surveyed teenage players’ heights negatively influenced their set and reach. (3). The surveyed teenage players’ weights positively influenced their cardiopulmonary fitness. 5. The relationships between the surveyed basketball players’ specializations and their basketball participating motivations. (1) To improve physical health, to maintain good health condition, and to relax emotion were the top three graded basketball participating motivations. (2) There were parts of relationships between the surveyed basketball players’ specializations and their basketball participating motivations. 6. The relationships between the surveyed basketball players’ specializations and their basketball participating constraints. (1) No additional time, heavy school works, and lack of basketball skills were the top three graded basketball participating constraints. (2) There were relationships between the surveyed basketball players’ specializations and their basketball participating constraints. According to the results of this research, we can have enough reasons to suggest the related Governments to promote basketball to improve people’s health.




