  • 期刊


A Study on Implementation of Gender Equity Education by Teachers of Special Education Vocational High School and Special Education Classes



本研究旨在了解東部某一縣市特殊學校高職部10位教師以及一般學校高職特教班6位教師目前執行性別平等教育之情形,並統整高職階段特殊教育教師輔導智能障礙學生曾出現的兩性相關問題,進一步分析教師對「性別平等教育課程」各子題重要程度之看法;本研究採取自編半結構式訪談題綱進行研究,而所獲得的資料採用質性分析加以處理。主要研究結果發現:(1)所有教師都贊成實施性別平等教育,(2)兩類 任教型態教師表示智障學生出現最頻繁的狀況是高職智障學生的交友問題,而最棘手的是學生受到性侵害等情形,(3)兩類任教型態教師曾實施的相關課程內容有生理基本概念、如何與異性相處、保護自己的方法,(4)受訪教師表示學生對此課程內容極有興趣,教學反應佳,(5)教學資源需求包括有教學錄影帶及光碟、書籍、教具模型、相關特教網站等,(6)所有教師一致認為身體自主權、性別之間的關係與互動是「性別平等教育課程」前兩項重要的子題,(7)所有教師認為智障學生之教學內涵必須更多切合其實際所能理解的學習經驗,所使用的教學方法應採用實際做中學之方式,以更具體化、生活化、系統化、重複化來呈現教學內容。研究者再依據上述研究結果,針對相關單位與未來研究方向提出具體可行之建議。


The main purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of gender equity education by special education classes teachers in Eastern Taiwan area. Data was collected by interviewing 10 special education high school teachers and 6 special education teachers of vocational high school. Semi- structured interview guidelines were designed by the researcher for this study. The collected data was analyzed by qualitative research method. The main findings include: (1) All teachers supported the implementation of gender equity education. (2) Two types teachers agreed that the most frequently encountered situation are dating with the opposite sex. The most difficult problem is the sexual abuse. (3) The implemented curriculum included physical concept, communicating with the opposite sex, and self-protection. (4) The interviewed teachers pointed out that students were interested in these topics. (5) Needed teaching resources included video, VCD, books, teaching tools and web sites. (6) All of the teachers agreed that body autonomy and gender relationship are the top two important sub-topics. (7) All teachers agreed that the teaching content for mentally retarded students should match their learning experiences. Learning by doing is the better teaching method. Physical, living, systemic, repeatable styles are important for the teaching contents. Based on the findings, several suggestions for the related agency and the future research were made.


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