  • 學位論文


A Study on Retrieving Leased National Forestlands by Compensation Scheme: A Case of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


為收回已出租之國有林地,政府自2003年起推動補償計畫,以鼓勵承租人自願交回承租林地,臺大實驗林也於2008年起辦理補償計畫。本研究旨在以實驗林契約林地為案例,研究影響承租人交回出租林地之決策因素,並應用多元邏輯斯迴歸法進行分析。 本研究結果顯示,契約林地之可及性、契約類型、契約租用人數、面積皆是影響承租人交還林地之主要因素。契約林地之可及性較差、契約愈不穩定之承租人,交回林地之機率較高;租用人數愈多、面積較大或較小之契約林地,則較不易被交回。此結果指出,以地租、財產權、交易成本等理論可有效解釋承租人之行為。


To retrieve leased national forestlands, the government has started a compensation program to encourage leaseholders to return their leased forest lands voluntarily since 2003. The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University began to carry out the compensation program in 2008. This paper aims to study the determinants that affect leaseholders to return leased forestlands by examining the leased forestlands in the Experimental Forest. Besides, multinomial logistic regression analysis is applied in this study applies. The study result shows that accessibility, type of contract, number of tenants and area size of leased forestlands are major factors affecting leaseholders to return their leased forestlands. Leaseholders have the less accessible forestlands and the less secure contracts; they have the higher probability to return their leased forestlands. A leased forestland with more tenants and larger or smaller size of area is less chance to be retrieved. The result indicates that the theorems of land rent, property right and transaction costs are valid to explain the behaviors of leaseholders.


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