  • 學位論文


China's cultural strategy toward Taiwan during the Jin-tao Hu's era

指導教授 : 施正權


本文主在探討胡錦濤時期對台文化戰略的思想、計畫、行動。本論文以環境分析做為起點,胡錦濤上台面臨持續經濟發展以維持中共政權的需求,在國際環境和國內因素壓力下,中共對外宣其採行和平發展大戰略,乃不威脅國際現有秩序,並以經濟發展與合作雙贏為主軸的對外採取「和平友好」之外交。然而,中共內部民族主義和愛國主義的問題,特別又以台灣問題最為棘手,可能引發戰爭而使和平發展大戰略的崩盤或懦弱的作為導致中共政權的垮台。因此,中共試圖透過文化戰略一方面來弱化台灣人民對於獨立的傾向,一方面也為未來政治的統一鋪路。 胡錦濤的文化戰略是以兩岸民族文化作為核心訴求、和平雙贏作為包裝的脈絡來進行對台灣人民的價值改造。藉由尋根、交流、合作的形式來進入台灣教育、宗教、利益團體、大眾媒體四個重要的市民社會領域。教育上,集中影響大量青年學子為中心,來增強下一代年青人的中國意識和未來與大陸社會接軌;宗教上,則是打者增加兩岸一家人的感覺,用強化兩岸宗教文化的相同性和未來的整合性來凸顯兩岸同根同源、互助合作的價值;利益團體上,則是推行「引進來、走出去」的原則,大量的吸收台灣民眾來大陸或直接進入大陸資訊相對若後的地方,以促使台灣民眾對大陸印象的改觀和向具備敵視大陸的台灣群體釋出善意;大眾媒體上,核心是以打造民族高度的傳播,透過全面的掌握台灣媒體界以控制輿論,和播出經生活化包裝並具有特定符號意義的節目來影響台灣民眾。然而,中共在文化為政治服務前提下,政治行為上尚不能吻合其文化戰略的訴求,大陸社會又尚未具有吸引台灣人民的文化實力下,其文化戰略效果不彰。


In order to keep the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) regime and under circumstance of international background and internal problem, Hu JinTao promote economic development and he clams China is taking a peaceful development strategy which will not threat the order of international society and will adopt “Good-neighborly Foreign Policy” that core value of this policy is economic development and win-win principle. However nationalism and patriotism, especially on Taiwan issue could make the inside of China cause war and break the peaceful development strategy or even to make CPC collapse. So the CPC’s culture strategy is to decline the willing of Taiwanese people independence and to construct the consensus of politic unity in Taiwan cross-strait. The core of Hu’s culture strategy is national culture; it tries to get peace and profit to affect Taiwanese people to accept their politic value. Through the way of trace back, intercommunion and cooperation to get into Taiwan’s four main civil societies which are education, religion, interest group and mass media. First is education, it focus on increasing young students’ Chinese identity to let them adapt Chinese society; Second is religion, it plans to emphasize the ideology that the two sides across the Taiwan Strait is a one big family, and use the similar fountainhead of culture to encourage mutual cooperation. Third is interest group, it implement “going global and bringing-in” doctrine, that is to seek mass Taiwanese come to Mainland China and to abroad Taiwan to revise Taiwanese point of view from inimical to friendly. The last one is mass media, by controlling Taiwan’s mass media, it can embed it’s Chinese nationalism in Taiwan society with broadcast the common show has special intention symbol. But CPC’s culture strategy have not been very successful because of the politic behavior can’t match the culture severs polity principle and it doesn’t have attractive culture power to Taiwanese people.


明居正。《大美霸權的浮現 : 後冷戰時期大國政治的邏輯》。臺北市:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,2013年。
孫元衡。《赤嵌集》。臺北市 : 臺灣銀行經濟研究室,1958年。


