  • 學位論文


The Study on the Innovational Management of Vocational High Schools in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在分析臺北市高職學校創新經營的現況,與高職行政主管個人背景變項及學校背景變項對學校創新經營的差異情形及預測能力。本研究主要採問卷調查方式,研究工具為「高職學校創新經營之調查問卷」,並以臺北市十七所高職學校行政主管為研究對象,共計發放340份問卷,有效問卷284份,有效回收率為83.53%。統計方法採項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比分析、單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析。經資料處理分析後,獲以下結論: 一、目前臺北市高職學校創新經營所呈現的層面為「行政管理創新」、「教學能力創新」、「教學設備創新」、「活動展能創新」、「對外活動創新」、「開源方式創新」、「校園規劃創新」等七個層面。 二、目前臺北市高職學校創新經營的情況良好,並以「行政管理創新」層面表現最佳,「校園規劃創新」層面表現則尚待加強,其餘各層面與整體的創新成效均已顯著高於中等程度。 三、目前臺北市高職學校創新經營之展現,依序為「行政管理創新」、「活動展能創新」、「教學能力創新」、「教學設備創新」、「開源方式創新」、「對外活動創新」、「校園規劃創新」。 四、臺北市高職學校行政主管的個人背景變項當中,除「性別」以外,其餘如「年齡」、「職務」與「服務年資」對學校創新經營整體與各層面的知覺上,均達顯著差異。 五、臺北市高職學校背景變項,如「學校屬性」、「學校校齡」、「學校規模」與「教職員數」,對學校創新經營的整體與各層面上,均達顯著差異。 六、臺北市高職學校行政主管的個人背景變項(性別、年齡、職務、服務年資)與學校背景變項(學校屬性、學校校齡、學校規模、教職員數)對學校創新經營具有其預測能力。


This study aims first at the management efficiency of vocational high schools in Taipei, at the discrepancies resulted from the variables of the school executives and those of the school backgrounds, and at the predictability of the efficiency as proposed to study on. This study was conducted with the method of questionnaire survey: “The Questionnaire of the Innovational Management of vocational high schools.” Its subjective includes the executive director of seventeen vocational high schools in Taipei. Among those dispatched 340 copies of questionnaire survey, the number of the valid copies was 284, and the valid return ratio is 83.53%. Statistical techniques were item analysis, factor analysis, confidence analysis, frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, percentage analysis, one-sample t-test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA ,and diverse stepwise regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. The innovational management of vocational high schools can be examined from the following seven fields: the “management innovation,” “teaching innovation” “equipment innovation,” “school activity innovation,” “ultra-school activity innovation,” “expense-reducing innovation,” and “campus planning innovation.” 2. The vocational high school management in Taipei was satisfactory. Those schools perform even better in the field of “management innovation, whereas the “campus planning innovation is in the mediocre level. The rest of the five fields were above the medium level. 3. The highest in the field of the “management innovation,” followed by the “school activity innovation,” “teaching innovation,” “equipment innovation,” “expense-reducing innovation,” “ultra-school activity innovation,” and the less field was the “campus planning innovation.” 4. Except for the “gender” variable, other variables like “age,” the “position,” the “seniority” have no significant impact on the overall performance of the vocational school management innovation in Taipei. 5. The school background variables of those vocational schools studied, which include “school attribute,” the “longevity of school history,” the “the size of school,” and the “the number of faculty,” were very significant in the overall in the school management innovation,and. 6. It was predictable of the school management innovation when it comes to the variables of the background of the executive directors and that of the school.


[16]仲述譯( N. I. Smith & M. Ainsworth著)(民85),組織創意力。臺北:遠流。


