  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Script “The Guilt”

指導教授 : 廖慶松


《罪愛》這個原創劇本,是一個關於遭受父親「亂倫性侵」孩子的故事。這個故事說的是一個在年幼時,曾遭受父親性侵的女老師,面對一個常常惹是生非、逃學蹺家的14歲問題少女。少女在學校反社會的脫序行為引起女老師關注,而在一次家庭訪問裡,女老師發現少女乖張行為的背後,其實來自於少女長期承受父親性侵虐待所導致,於是,女老師終於找到一個接近少女的方式,也決心要把少女從火坑裡就出來…… 「亂倫性侵」一向是「人倫悲劇」裡最令人不忍卒睹的一頁,它永遠都以最隱諱、最傷痛的姿態存在在這些受傷孩子的記憶裡,就像夢魘一樣,揮之不去。我們希望透過這個影片,讓觀眾認識這些孩子偏差行為背後的真正原因,然後給予他們一份溫暖的理解和支持。 本論述詳細分析本劇的發想及創作歷程,闡述「亂倫性侵」對孩子所造成的影響。透過相關的文獻探討,以期能用最忠實的筆觸來描寫這樣一個沈重的主題。也同時介紹本劇所屬類型:家庭通俗劇的定義和與本劇相關主題及類型的其他電影介紹。再來詳細分析本劇故事、角色、結構,以及深入探討本劇敘事手法;最後再以作者本身在創作過程得到的心得和未來創作方向做總結。 本劇是以最真實、誠懇的態度來描述這些長期處在社會陰暗處的孩子們,希望能夠透過她們的生命故事,讓社會大眾能夠正視這個極度隱穢而複雜的議題,也讓我們可以同理這些孩子,讓他們有機會學習堅強的去面對自己的人生。


“The Guilt” is an original film script. This story is about incest incidents. The teacher who was sexual abuse by her father when she was child meets a student who is a 14 years old girl. This student has lots of problems, such as stealing and escape from the class. The teacher wants to help her to become better. So she goes to her house to interview her mother, and then the teacher discovers this girl is suffering from the sexual abuse by her father for long time. This girl is like a marrow with the teacher, and makes the teacher recall all the hurts for the past. Because they have the some problems need to face, finally the teacher finds a way to get close to this girl. Incest is always the darkest side of the tragedy of family. It exits in the memory of these children who suffers from the sexual abuse by the obscure way. This is like the nightmare for them. The reason I write this script that I hope this script can make the audiences under-stand these children’s abnormal behavior, and then give them a nice and warm under-standing and supporting. This essay discuss and analyzes the inspiration of the script and the creation process to make the readers understand how the influence of incent changes these children’s life, the definition of love between human beings, and introduce the definition of Film Genres and the relevant genres of this film. There will be a comparison melodrama Films like “Doubt” (U.S.A.) and “Still Walking” (Japan). There will also be an analysis of the structure, context, ways of telling stories, theme, and the ideology of this script, the analysis of the characters, and the conclusion of the creator. This script uses the most truly sincere to describe this kind of children whom stay in the darkest corner of this society. I hope that I can make people to face this kind of issue through this script, and to make people feel sympathy for the incent victims. Let those children have the chance to learn how to live with their life strangely.


Three-act-play melodrama incent sexual abuse


