  • 學位論文


A Study of Work Adjustment of the Directors of Counseling Divisions in High Schools

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在瞭解高中職輔導主任工作適應歷程,藉由訪談六位高中職輔導主任,認識高中職輔導主任工作內涵,瞭解工作適應經驗中所經歷之工作困境,針對困境所發展之因應策略,並從主任工作經驗所獲得之成功經驗。本研究文獻參考學者Hershenson所提出之工作適應系統發展模式以及學者Dawis和Lofquist所提出之明尼蘇達工作適應理論,並收集國內針對輔導教師、行政工作者之相關研究,作為研究基礎進行高中職輔導主任工作適應的探討。本研究採用質性研究之的紮根理論做為資料分析方法,嘗試整理研究參與者所呈現之輔導主任工作適應模式。   研究結果發現分成四部份依序為工作適應內涵、工作困境、因應策略、工作省思與收穫:工作適應內涵探討適應各階段工作焦點與感受,前期工作焦點在於熟悉行政業務,後期則轉為專注於人際協調議題,工作適應感受前、中期對於業務與角色之陌生感到不安、挫折,對於輔導工作有所期待,後期受到職場人際衝突而感到失望與痛苦;工作困境可分成「個人內在適應困境」、「工作環境適應困境」、「工作推動適應困境」三個層面,研究參與者發展出對應之因應策略,以使學校輔導工作與行政業務的推展能達成,展現輔導工作之功能與成效;此外,透過工作省思與收穫瞭解研究參與者擔任輔導主任所獲得之工作成就感、工作意義,並提出主任工作省思與建議作為輔導主任工作參考方針。   根據以上研究結果,研究者針對輔導主任工作適應內涵、工作困境、因應策略進行討論,整理發展出輔導主任工作適應模式作為理解主任工作適應狀態,並提出輔導主任工作與人際議題、性別角色之討論,最後進一步對學校輔導工作者及後續研究人員提出建議作為參考。


The study primarily sought to understand the work adjustment of the directors of counseling divisions in high schools. Six directors of counseling divisions were interviewed. The study first examined the directors’ work content and then explored the directors’ work predicament and their coping strategies on such predicament. At last discussed the success experience. The Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment and the Development System of Work Adjustment served as the theory foundation for current research. The method of the study adopted the grounded theory approach and tried to develop the model about the work adjustment of the directors of counseling divisions.   The findings of the study included four components: the work adjustment content, the work predicament, the coping strategies, and the reflections about directors’ work. The work adjustment content include the main tasks involved and feelings perceived in different stages of the work adjustment on director’s position. The work predicament included three dimensions: related to personal, related to working environment, related to different working stages. The third part of the results were to understand the satisfaction and meaning of work obtained through the work of reflection and gain by the directors of counseling divisions. The satisfaction of work and recommendations for the future directors of counseling divisions were also presented.   Given the research results, the researcher further discussed the work adjustment content, the work predicament, and the coping strategies. The researcher generated a model about the work adjustment of the directors of counseling divisions, discussed the interpersonal issues and gender roles of the directors of counseling divisions. Finally, the implications and recommendations for school counselors’ practices and future research were presented.


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