  • 學位論文


Research on the relationship between family life cycle for beverage consumption

指導教授 : 陳 宗 玄 朱 瑞 淵


隨著時代的不同人們的生活型態及消費習慣也會隨之改變,人們每天幾乎都會在外購買飲料,而這個習慣也早已成為我們生活中的一小部分,但也因為購買飲料的人口增加,進而也帶動飲料市場的蓬勃發展,造成近年來國內飲料市場大幅度的成長。而家庭是社會組成的基本單位,隨這家庭經歷不同的週期時,家庭的人口結構也隨之改變,也會有不同的消費模式,而飲料在家庭的消費支出中更是逐年的穩定成長。 因此,本研究為探討家庭生命週期對飲料消費支出關係之研究,運用分量迴歸(QR)模型設定得到的實證研究結果。其結果發現飲料消費支出在家庭生命週期於不同的時期與份量下會有不同的結果,經濟變數(家庭可支配所得及家庭規模)都有顯著的正向影響;家庭生命週期中滿巢二期、滿巢三期、空巢期除了在高分量時對飲料消費沒有顯著影響外,其餘階段皆達顯這影響;在社會階層方面戶長的教育程度在研究所及專科、大學以上,於中間分量(25分量、50分量)的家庭對非酒精性飲料支出有較高的顯著影響,就戶長職業而言,以戶長職業為管理階層、專業人員的家庭料消費支出最高。


The lifestyles and consumption behaviors change with time. As people purchasing beverage plays an important part in modern daily life for quite a while, the increase of such purchasing population promotes the development of beverage market and resultes in the growth surge of the demestic beverage market. The beverage consumption exhibits a steady growth on the family expanse throughout the years, for family is the basic unit of a society. Family’s population structure and consumption pattern change with the different family life periods. This study aims to use the(QR) modle to look into the influence of the family life cycle on the beverage consumption expanse. The result shows that the expanse exhibits difference under different period of the family life cycle and different beverage quantity. In addition, the economic variable (family disposable income and family size)reveals significant positive influence. Except when on the high quantile, the Full Nest Stage II, Full Nest Stage III, and Empty Nest period all display significant influence.  Furthermore, in terms of social stratification, the family of householder with 2-year-college, undergraduate, or gradate level of education shows higher significant influence on non-alcoholic beverage expanse on medium quantile; in terms of the occupation, the family with the householder serving in the management level or professional position expand highest on the beverage consumption.


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