  • 學位論文


A Study of Tourism Students' Personality Trait,Leisure Participation and Leisure Benefits for Commercial and Technical Vocational School in Changhua

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


本研究旨在瞭解高中職觀光科學生人格特質、休閒參與與休閒效益之關係。以彰化縣田中鎮○○商工觀光事業科學生為研究對象,採問卷普查方式,總計問卷發放 591 份,有效樣本共計 529 份,有效問卷回收率為90%。 研究結果顯示,整體受測學生以女生、二年級沒有打工學生居多、學生之監護人以民主式管教居為多數、父母親教育程度方面皆以高中(職)佔多數、在父(母)親職業方面,分別以技術人員與半技術及非技術人員居多;受測學生人格特質與休閒參與整體表現為中等程度、在休閒效益的認知上為中高程度。在整體觀點上,高中職觀光科學生之人格特質、休閒參與對休閒效益皆呈現顯著正向影響,且人格特質的影響程度較大。由構面來看,人格特質以「親和性」對休閒效益的影響為最高,而休閒參與構面,則以「社交型」的影響程度為最高。其次,不同背景變項之性別、打工狀況對高中職觀光科學生之人格特質及休閒參與有顯著差異;然而不同性別及監護人管教方式部份,對高中職觀光科學生之休閒效益有顯著差異。 依據研究結果,本研究對觀光科教師,學生家長及學生提出相關建議,期能透過對人格特質的了解,鼓勵學生勇於嘗試不同類型的休閒參與。 關鍵字:人格特質、休閒參與、休閒效益


The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between personality traits, leisure participation and leisure benefits in high school students. To Changhua County Tianzhong ○○ Commerce and Tourism Division of Health Science for the study, collected the census questionnaire way, a total of 591 questionnaires distributed copies of a total of 529 valid samples, the effective response rate was 90%. The results show that the overall test students to girls, the second grade did not have the majority of students, the guardian of the students to the democratic management of the majority, the parents of education in high school (occupation) accounted for the majority, in the parent (mother) pro , The technical staff and semi-technical and non-technical staff were mostly; the measured students personality traits and leisure participation in the overall performance of moderate, in the leisure benefits of cognitive on the high level. In the whole view, the personality traits and leisure participation of the students in the high school are very significant positive effects on leisure benefits, and the influence of personality traits is significant. From the point of view, the personality traits have the highest impact on the leisure benefits, and the degree of "social" is the highest. Secondly, the gender and working status of different background variables have significant differences in the personality traits and leisure participation of high school students. However, there are significant differences in the leisure benefits of high school students. Based on the results of the study, this study will provide suggestions to the teachers of the tourism industry, parents and students, and encourage students to try different types of leisure participation through their understanding of personality traits. Keywords: personality traits, leisure participation, leisure benefits


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