  • 期刊


The Study of the Critical Factors for Successfully Introducing the Supply Chain Management in Taiwan's Far Seas Fishery




For the last few years, serious impacts have been inflicted on far seas fishery due to the policy of the joint administration of international waters. Furthermore, since Taiwan's entry into World Trade Organization (WTO), the inland trades have become more open, and the fishery in Taiwan has also been internationalized as well as liberalized. With the increasingly interested issues regarding international resource conservations, the pressures caused by the international competitions, and the depressed economic environment, plus the sufficient supplies of fish products, the overall price for fish is in the decline, which indicates the coming of an age of low-priced fish. Moreover, the reason for the float in fish prices seems to be that ”the supply exceeds the demand”, therefore the prices were abused by the buyers. However, the countries only make sure to increase the fishery harvesting, and never worry about the marketing and the circulation, not to mention the integration of supply chain systems. The objective of the present study is to understand the critical factors for successfully introducing supply chain management in Taiwan's far seas fishery. The results show that: ”the supply chain integration and the competitiveness increase”, the effects of the industrial environment and the promotion from the government and the industrial union”, ”the establishment and planning of the supply chain management system”, and ”the ability and support of the executives” are the key factors for successfully introducing the supply chain management in Taiwan's far seas fishery.


張益瑞(2005)。供應鏈成員採用SCM決策因素之研究 -以中藥製藥業為例-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500523
