  • 學位論文

由日本債法修正研議展望我國債法之未來 -以債務不履行為中心

From the Discussion of the Reform of the Japanese Law of Obligations to the Future Prospects of our Law of Obligations -focused on the Regime of Non-performance of Obligation

指導教授 : 陳聰富


日本債法自明治時期制定以來,業已百餘年未曾實質修正其內容,該國學者乃自1998年起開始倡議修正債法,並成立多個團體研究債法修正方向,而在學界已就修正方向提出豐碩之成果後,日本法務省法制審議會議成立民法(債權法)部會,就債權法修正之具體內容進行審議,且已於2012年5月發表「民法修正中間論點之整理」。日本顯已就其債權法之現狀全盤重新檢討,而即將邁向該國債權法之新時代。 我國債權法雖於1999年曾進行修正,但是對於契約法之架構並無重大變更,且我國債權法係繼受德、瑞,而日本債權法則多繼受自德、法,但因日本學界於戰前多以德國法解釋該國民法,因此日本債權法與我國債權法多有相似之處,其本次債權法修正討論應有值得我國探究之處,故而本文欲藉必較法之研究方式,分析該國修正研議有何可為我國借鏡者。又民法(債權法)修正檢討委員會為日本法務省參與而成立之委員會,其所提出之修正試案具有體系且十分完整,且以其為官方參與所成立之委員會,日本學界均認為其所提出之修正試案將對修法產生決定性之影響,因此本文以債務不履行法制為範圍,分就履行請求權、債務不履行之損害賠償、解除與危險負擔、受領遲延、不安抗辯權與情事變更原則等議題,以檢討委員會之修正試案為中心介紹日本債權法修正之走向,並反省我國現狀。 日本民法因於明治時代倉促立法之故,條文規定較為簡單抽象,多仰賴實務、學者以解釋論予以發展適用。日本學者於戰前亦多以德國法解釋該國民法,致其債務不履行法制多有悖離民法明文規定之處,如債務不履行之三分體系、損害賠償之範圍採取完全賠償原則、相當因果關係理論劃定。又由於民法並無明文規定,許多私法上權利義務之重要原則如履行請求權、完全履行請求權、損益相抵、受領遲延之法律效果、情事變更原則、不安抗辯權等,僅得仰賴學者解釋與實務見解之發展。因此不參考教科書及實務判例之解說,難以適用法律主張權利。本次修正研議基於上開情況實非國民之福,因此建議導正傳統通說以德國法解釋日本民法之處,如檢討委員會關於債務不履行一元化、就損害賠償範圍明文採取保護範圍論等修正試案,且縱仍堅持傳統通說者,亦建議修正條文以更符合通說見解者,而多有提議以使人民容易閱讀為其修正方向者。又本次修正關於將現行民法未規定之法律原則增訂入法之討論亦多,如檢討委員會試案將履行請求權、完全履行請求權、損益相抵、受領遲延之法律效果、情事變更原則、不安抗辯權等均納入修正範圍。此顯現日本債法修正係以制定一部以國民為本之債法之傾向。 其次,日本傳統通說以德國法解釋該國民法規定,因此以過失責任原則為債務不履行損害賠償之歸責依據,採取相當因果關係理論劃定損害賠償範圍,並以歸責事由為債務不履行解除之要件,惟日本新契約論者則參酌CISG、PICC、PECL等國際契約法原則,改以契約拘束力為中心思考債務不履行之問題,並於提議以此修正原民法規定,檢討委員會之修正試案即於債務不履行之損害賠償,改以債務人於契約中所未承擔之事由為免責事由,並以保護範圍論劃定損害賠償範圍;於債務不履行之解除制度,則不再以歸責事由為要件,而改以契約重大不履行為解除要件。此外,檢討委員會之修正試案以依契約宗旨不能期待債務人履行為履行請求權之排除事由,亦可見其重視契約拘束力之一面。故而本次日本債法修正重視契約合意,而且有欲跟隨國際潮流邁向契約法統一的目的。 我國債法本即多有繼受自德國法之處,且業經一次實質修正,而無日本民法因規範過於簡略致生須仰賴學界、實務解釋,或學界、實務解釋適用法律與法律明文規定不符之缺失,但是我國面臨世界債法百年一度之轉換期,在日本新契約論者已就此紛紛提出修法建議之時,對於世界契約法之變革與共通化之情形,卻甚少有進行研究者,然我國並無法自外於世界市場而獨自生存,是以日本債法學者因應上開國際情勢而跟隨歐美潮流,以提出今後債法統一法為目的而進行之修正討論,確值我國深思。


Although one hundred years have passed since the enactment of the Japanese Civil Code since 1896, most of the Code has never been changed. However, the Japanese civil law professors have established several research groups dedicating to the reformation of the law of Obligation. In response of the proposals presented by those research groups, The Legislative Council of the Japanese Ministry of Justice, after being consulted by its Minister regarding the reformation of the law of obligation, also reached a decision to establish a special Working Group to start the official deliberation on the reformation of Japanese law of Obligation since November, 2009. In May, 2011, an "Interim Report of Points at Issue on the Civil Code (law of obligation) Reform" has been submitted by the Working Group, which marked the beginning of the new page on the history of the Japanese Law of Obligation. Although we have revised our law of obligation once in 1999, the structure of the law of obligation and the basic idea of "obligation" has never been changed. The Japanese civil Code was originally made by reference to those of Germany and France, but interpreted by the scholars and the court in the same way as Germans before WWII. Thus the practice of the Japanese law of obligation has presented a similar result as that of our law of obligation. Thus, I believe that the comparative research of the above deliberation made by the Japanese will certainly bring us some new perspective regarding the future development of our law of obligation. It is commonly predicted by the Japanese Academy that the "Basic Reform Policy (Draft Proposals)" submitted by "The Japanese Civil Code (Law of Obligations) Reform Commission" will have significant influence on the revision of the Japanese law of obligation with the official participation of the Ministry of Justice. This thesis will focus its main attention on such Basic Reform Policy. Through a thorough investigation on the design of such Draft Proposals Demand for Performance, Damages caused by Non-performance of an obligation, Cancellation of Contracts and Assumption of Risk, Delay in Acceptance, Principle of Changes in Circumstances, and Defense of Insecurity, we can easily find that the current attempt of the reformation is to make their Civil Code more understandable to the public and to modernize their Civil Code in accordance the main trend shown in the presence of CISG, PICC, and PECL, which I believe can be the potential paragon for our reference in the future, since our country can't stand along in the age of globalization.


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9. 張永健(2003),〈論給付不能之分類與歸責問題〉,《法令月刊》,第54卷第6期,頁89-108。
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