  • 學位論文


Technological Politics in the Reconstruction of Historic Streets:Case studies of the Sanxia and Shenkeng Historic Streets

指導教授 : 王志弘


本研究透過新北市政府推動三峽與深坑老街風貌再造成果,趨向同質性現象,看到文化治理場域下特定空間樣貌的建構與重塑,牽涉了社會群體的價值利益協商、權力關係運作,以及在國家規範框架下,以專業主義操作的結果;據此,開啟我們採取STS關注在技術(如機制規範、材料工法、人員組織、知識論述等)與社會互動的角度,考察技術物的政治過程。 分析架構的設計,是檢視老街空間生產過程,修復技術如何作為空間再現的手段,進一步透過標準規範、專業主義與修復價值觀三個面向的生產過程,討論技術的政治過程;此外,我們也關注國家體制運作下,受支配者如何被迫順服或展開調適,在細縫間尋找有利自我的生存空間。 研究結果發現,在標準程序運作下,系統化、形式化的工程品質,以及層級化的組織管理模式,造成特定且一致的修復結果;其次,修復者間相異的修復價值觀,形成具差異化的修復方式,更塑造出特定的空間秩序;專業者網絡的建構與同盟協商,涉及各自價值利益的考量,加上專業知識被人為有意識的操作生產,進而影響使用者的生活模式與實質空間型態。 另一方面,人們在面對管制規範下,發展出各種迴避的技術,由於支配者在能力上的侷限等因素,受支配者得以暫時擺脫管制框架,藉由調適來生成自我,建構出有別於支配者規範下的空間型態與使用模式;兩者雖然呈現相互制約�牽引的互動關係,但我們卻不能忽略:支配者仍握有支配能力,受支配者的調適行為,來自他們處在受控制環境下的抵抗與反動。 老街再造的空間生產過程,固然成為不同群體追逐自我價值利益、權力關係的場域,透過技術物的中介操作下實踐其目的,然而,這只是老街作為多重意義競奪空間下,其中的一種呈現形式;或許,我們仍可以期待老街再造保存作為一面反身之鏡,使得我們能夠建構社會�居民主體性,涵納異質文化的公共空間。


老街 文化資產 修復 技術政治 STS


This thesis explores the government to promote Sanxia and Shenkeng historic streets reconstruction project presented similar results. We can see a particular space was built and remodeling. It is related to the interests of social groups, operation of power relations, and Professionalism. Accordingly, we adopt the STS(science and technology studies)theory, concern the interaction between technology(such as specifications, materials, methods, organization, knowledge, etc.), society, and technology in the political process. Analysis of the structure, this thesis explores the space production process of historic street, technology as a representation tool. Through standard criteria, professionalism and restoration aspect, explore the technological politics. In addition, we also concern the state system, why should people obey the dominator or how to adapt themselves. The results showed that, in standard operation procedures, systematic engineering quality, and hierarchical organization and management, shaping a specific spatial patterns of consistency; secondly, among the experts have different values, there are different techniques, shaping the specific spatial order. Although professionals cooperate with each other, have their own consideration of benefit and interest, affecting the essence of space and usage patterns. On the other hand, under the regulatory norms, people develop a variety of techniques to avoid regulation, can temporarily get rid of regulatory powers: to show themselves, to construct a space form and usage patterns, differ from specifications. However, dominator still hold the power to govern, people’s resistance is because they are in a controlled environment, they must make acts. At historic street reproduction process, different groups pursuit their own benefits and interests through technical skills. However it could be one form of multiple power compete for the space.Maybe we still can look forward to historic streets reconstruction, as a public space, to construct society/residents subjectivity, contain different culture.


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